From an advert in the Gomantak Times, 12 September 2004:


This is to inform the general public that my client intends to purchase the following properties:

A. All that property known as VANGOD alias ARARIM or SONAR BHAT containing an area of 300 sq mts situated in the interior of the village of Saligao, within the Gram Panchayat area of Saligao taluka and Sub-District of Bardez, North Goa District and state of Goa neither described in the Land Registration Office of Bardez, nor enrolled in the Taluka Revenue Office, but surveyed in the Revenue Survey of Record of Rights under Survey No 124/38 and bounded on the North by Survey No 124/29, on the South by Survey No 124/40, on the East by Survey No 124/16 and on the West by Survey No 124/33 originally belonging to Fr Bartholomew Peter Gerald Fernandes, Zeferino Belchoir Maria Fernandes and Mrs Maria Stella Regina Fernandes, Frederick Paul Martin D'Souza & Mrs Winnifred Augusta Isabella D'Souza and sold to Mrs Teresa Silveira.

B. All that property known as SONARBHAT containing an area of 3075 sq mts situated in the interior of the village of Saligao, within the Gram Panchayat area of Saligao Taluka and Sub-District of Bardez, North Goa District and State of Goa, neither described in the Land Registration Office of Bardez, nor enrolled in the Taluka Revenue Office, but surveyed in the Revenue Survey of Record of Rights under Survey No 124/33 (part) and bounded on the North by remaining part of Survey No 124/33, on th eSouth by Survey No 116, on the East bySurvey No 124/38 & 40 and on the West by remaining part of Survey No 124/33 originally belonging to Francis Xavier De Souza & Mrs Claudelle Lucy Rebello, Mrs Janet Matilda D'Soua, Mr Carlton Joseph D'Souza and Mr Stanford Francis D'Souza, all residents of Saligao, Bardez, Goa and sold to Mrs Tereza Silveira.

C. All that property knokwn as POCORNO situated at Sonarbata, Saligao, within the registration Sub-Division of Bardez of the Sub-District of Bardez of the District of North Goa and which is bounded on the East by the Property Pocorno of Vitorinho Francisco Saldanha, on the West by the drain, on the North by the property of Pocorno of Maria Conceicao de Cruz and on the South by Pocorno of Cassiano Isidore Figueredo registered in the Revenue Office of Bardez at Mapusa under Matriz No 978 of 1st Circumscription and the same is not found registered in the Land Registration Office of Bardez at Mapusa but the same is registered in the new Record of Rights under Survey No 124/33 belonging to Mrs Sabina D'Souza of Calangute.

D. All that property known as SONARBATT containing an area of 500 sq mts situated in the interior of the village of Saligao, within the Gram Panchayat area of Saligao, Taluka and Sub-District of Bardez, North Goa District and State of Goa neither described in the Land Registration Office of Bardez, nor enrolled in the Taluka Revenue Office, but surveyed in the Revenue Survey of Record of Rights under Survey No 124/29 and bounded on the North by the property of Manuel Fernandes & others, on the South by the property of Manuel Fernandes and others, on the East by the property of Adolf Saldanha Survey Nos 124/16 and on the West by the property of Mousinho Sequeira bearing Survey No 124/12 and property bearing Survey No 124/33 belonging to Mrs Martha Romania Elvira D'Cruz e Siqueira.

Any person or persons having any and whatever right, title, interest, possession, easement or claim, whether by way of ownership, tenancy, mundkarship, or any other claim whatsoever relating to the said properties or any objection to the proposed sale, shall make it known, to the undersigned, along with documentary evidence at the address given below, within 7days from the publication of this notice, failing which any such claim of any party shall be deemed to have been waived for all legal and practical purposes and shall not be entertained thereafter and my clients will be free to proceed with the proposed purchase of the said premises.

Panjim, Goa


for GD Kirtani, Advocate
FO No 3, Naik Villa
Dr Dada Vaidya Road
Panaji Goa
Tel No 242 3650.
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