Hi SaligaoNetters

What was the outcome of the Dharna? - I mean no news about the "Monday" - is the work going on since Monday evening or has the stay order come through or what??? Sad! I havent frequented the Salmona Spring like the rest of you as we used to get to the one close to us - near West End, but the few times I went to Salmona Spring I enjoyed myself with our group - those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end...! (Was that Englebert Humperdinck or Tom Jones or Who?) I dont recall doing bird watching... after all, the "birdies" (male ones) were with us - heeee!

Hi Zelma,
You hit the nail on the head with this post. ............. Because the spring is a visible, pristine >forested area, it has created a groundswell of .......... Bird species will not go extinct because of one building.

Is that right? Regarding birds & buildings? If one building comes up, the way of things is that a few more will come up in the area. (Note the mini village at the end of Donvaddo near WestEnd wherein the houses (rather than buildings) mushroomed quickly. Yeh bird species will not go extinct but I doubt the area will be quiet & peaceful enough for the birdwatchers to catch a glimpse of the rare birds as they have done so far. The only birds I see here in our concrete jungle are some brownish small birds, the pigeons (they are messy birds) & some crows which have travelled from India by ship (or so they say) - he he! The others are all safely ensconced in their habitat on the islands & where there are no buildings. Of course, on our mainland, some of the birds are on show in their cages & others are freely flying around at the Wildlife Park.

Water is quickly becoming the next 'oil' and although the Gulf nations can afford to desalinate sea >water for human consumption using petrodollars, ....

How true! And Zelma has made all the points...here in Bahrain we are buying water for drinking & cooking which is probably more expensive than the petrol that we fill the tanks of our cars with. In Saligao, we have water in our compounds... but we dont have it... especially from April to June because of the lowering of the water table, (courtesy our money-making friends near the Pond). By the way, yesterday we didnt have water in our taps when we got up - what a hassle! Luckily I always store water in 2 buckets for emergencies. By 8.30 a.m. I was on the phone with the Landlord complaining & requesting him to do something. Water was flowing by 12 noon. But one cant do much of this complaining in Saligao, it falls on deaf ears. That's when I appreciate my good fortune - we get desalinated water 24 hours 365/366 days of the year. What a pity it cant be the same in Saligao, life is so much easier & stress-free with the 2 essential commodities in plenty - water & electricity.

At the moment, Goans can count on the monsoons to recharge their ground........ The earlier we >learn how to cope, the better for all of us (wow, I didn't mean to cast such a gloomy spell on the >whole thing!)

He he! Thought I was the one who usually dampened spirits, but you are absolutely right Kevin, the scenario on all fronts looks gloomy (lack of water, garbage, pollution etc.) & one can imagine what it will look like 50 years hence (is that looking too far into the future I wonder!) For once I'm being optimistic eh? At least I'm not seeing it 5 years hence - ha ha! So we still have time to set right some wrongs havent we? & that is exactly what you all in Saligao are doing right now. I am appreciative of that.

But the prospect of having to deepen the existing wells becomes one of economics, those able >to afford it will have more access to less water.

Quite so, quite so! "more access to less water"...Quaint way of putting it - now why didnt I think of it that way? brains are rusting, I guess!

....developing sustainable solutions, Saligao will retain it's status of being one of the progressive >villages in Goa.

I sincerely hope so! Hey Kevin, why do you use the words "one of" ... things have changed then? Saligao was "the" progressive village in Goa until Aldona got wise & almost caught up with us. Have they overtaken us now?

......sticking your neck out comes at a price and for those living in Saligao and Goa, that can be >physically threatening.

Dont know how Mario, Muriel, Dean & rest of you do it, I really marvel at you all! You remind me of my History lessons - you know - non-violence movement, swadeshi movement, women's right to vote etc. etc. All the best, & may God go with you all.

... bring attention to the situation at home at the upcoming Saligao Mae de deus feast --->formulate either a petition, information newsletter ....

Hmm, nice thought! Hope it comes to fruition!

We've allmost reached our weekend & it is partying galore after the 6 weeks of sackcloth & ashes!

Hope you all had a Holy & Happy Easter. ... any eggciting things at the church ground, Saligao Institute etc. Football match at the "Oula"? Fr. Nasciment used to give us news but he is probably busy with the House blessings etc. Hey Ashley, you gonna let us know? Your PC is in front of you most of the day & I'm sure during the evening too, so please type a few lines giving this info unless you are busy elsewhere - dating (did you meet someone finally - you know -- spring, freshness, new things, new people, new beginnings blah blah...), or are you too busy hogging the easter eggs?

You all take care now, keep safe & have a nice day

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