We usually use something along this line to execute the powershell script
command inside a ServersAlive check:
powershell -WindowStyle Hidden &'D:\Program Files (x86)\Woodstone\Servers
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [m
Pieter ,
That’s great, just the sort of stuff I was after a taking a look at.
What is the batch script like that you call this from, or can you now call
Powershell scripts directly from within Servers Alive?
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive
Hi David,
continuing on your MMC layout
If you say the groups/checks, then I suppose that the check is or the
pretty-name or a little description as we have now in the
tree-interface. The center part would then contain all config
parameters of the check itself I suppose (just as would b
Dirk was asking for suggestions for an updated GUI.
I know its been around for a while but the Microsoft MMC layout works very
With the Groups / Checks on the left
The centre would have the check itself
And on the right could be dependant on what is selected in the centre