Apart from wether it is or is not possible, I don't think it is usefull to check all
these services.
What I have done, is selected the most critical services:
spooler - only for the printservers
For a domain controller, you might want to monitor these essential services:
ismserv / kdc / netlogo
Title: Mass change properties
I love a good text edit... gonna try !!!
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
StoneSent: woensdag 1 september 2004 4:06To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [SA-list] Mass change
This method
Title: Mass change properties
Well normaly here in the Netherlands we would say: "We
hebben weer een karweitje voor een stagiaire"
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dirk
BulinckxSent: dinsdag 31 augustus 2004 23:22To:
Title: Mass change properties
We have a slow network (understatement) which causes some false alerts. About once a day, one out of 220 checks gives a false alert, mainly (I guess) because the time it takes to receive a response is too long. When I then make a connection with that server
Well I for example do a diskspace check. I build a query in SQL that filters the
output to the following:
uniqueid cyclestart prettyname description extra_info
3 20040820140204 CTX-DT01 Diskspace : \\14.x.x.x\c$< 10 % 6395.01 MB
3 20040820140817 CTX-DT01 Diskspace : \\14.x.x.x\c$< 10 % 63
I've configured ServerAlive to ouptut the data to SQL. Now I would like to build some
nice reports based upon those. I'm thinking of using Crystal Reports for it, but am
having some problems converting the values and getting the right grouping. Has anyone
already created some nice reports f
Title: Message
Correct. I didn't read the first posting good enough. But
this might an answer to his follow up question, because he would like
ServerAlive to also check if his smtp server still accepts SMTP on port 26
:-) (p nice save )
Title: Wishlist - General alerts
At this moment I'm using about 228 checks. I devided the checks in high and medium priority. The high priority checks send a SMTP message, MSN Message and play a sound upon failure. For the medium priority checks there is only a SMTP message being sent.
Title: Message
I'm new to the program, but my guess:
Edit "Servers Alive Settings.reg". Search for SMTP and find
the following lines: