in fact it does... in that it assumes a previous status... did yo uread
the annotated sql files?
but you're right, it's a work around, but one I've been using for
months with much success...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [E
>From a post long ago, far away.. (see attachement)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMA
work for just a few
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/03 04:54PM >>>
All checks that are internal and are using some DLL could eventualy
hang IF
the DLL isn't using it's timeout&
I just had this happen again and thought to myself "now,, if the oracle
check was an external ap, SA would not hang in these conditions"...
any thoughts Dirk?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message
I can't see the usefulness of this one.. .but it might just be my short
sightedness on Sunday...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/24/03 12:57PM >>>
Sending mail directly to the destination SMTP server is
just put in:
leave the values blank...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/27/03 12:20AM >>>
Just for ref here is my script for doing the counting with the
C:\countfiles.exe ini
66 is local to SA...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/25/03 11:42AM >>>
Little remark, not all process checks are failing in the logfile you
Wednesday, June 25, 2003 09:57:47 ERR process check: ERR: 1460
oid a reboot, yo ugot any?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/25/03 11:37AM >>>
So it's just the processes that are failing. Both remote and local.
Now just to see if it's realy those 500 hours OR the number of
this is the uptime of the SA machine, but then again, the all the
services I monitor are local, so both really ;)
the services are running, and responding to user requests, if that's
what you're asking...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
#x27;t remember, or later because that's what I'm at
To fix this, I have to reboot.
Here's the most recent snippet. (errors start 2003 09:57:39)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Ce message a été analysé par Guinevere2 et McAf
sad as a response buy hey..
'Least you know...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/24/03 07:08PM >>>
I upgraded last week to v 4.0.1438
Two of my checks performed a TCP Port Connection check of a vendor
There's endless things you can monitor with SNMP... but getting snmp
running on linux is no easy feat (and I've got quite a bit of experience
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/24/03 03:16PM >>>
hmm sounds like a job for Super Brent ( )
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/24/03 12:52PM >>>
Please forgive me if this has been asked a million times before...
lucky man...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/06/03 09:55AM >>>
Worked fine for me. Dirk sent me info.
-Original Message-
From: Roland Gaspar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
oooh.. that's a big no-no... the format of the host file has not been
released... this is "at your own risk" stuff...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/06/03 06:53AM >>>
after ExcludeDateTimeInMail )
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/28/03 09:04AM >>>
Is there anyway to remove the "Mail generated by Servers Alive at
May 28, 2003 3:15:21
.txt is zipped becasue it was 28k and the list max is 25k)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/08/03 04:05PM >>>
That could be caused by bugs in previous versions
great tool:
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/04/03 03:19PM >>>
I"m trying to monitor a tripplite U
Darn SQL people, finding the odd cases... take a look at the attached doc...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/03/03 09:46AM >>>
Changing it from minutes to seconds will on
ke her continue parsing the "prev change
stats" "current change state" into real date/time fields.. she's very close, but the
day change bothers her...
(BTW, will be glad to share when it's done)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-788
Perfect, that did it, thanks!
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> "Dirk Bulinckx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/24/03 03:18PM >>>
The template as such did a sort by status, something SA v3
that's the thing though, 106900531 AND 106900801 are dependent on
1069, but only 106900801 is sorted correctly in that group.
.. and, there are many many other groups.. they're all sorted right,
it's just the new entrie(s) that do weird stuff...
pages (look at ID#
106900531, should be right under 10690 but is way at the bottom). I
sort by hostID and this has been working just fine, until the new
Any ideas?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
To unsubs
nfo! ;)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> "Dirk Bulinckx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/17/03 12:43PM >>>
Just for to be sure can you download the latest build from
am not sure what you mean...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/17/03 12:34PM >>>
Microsoft version should work better then Oracle version.
Could you test it towards something
Am indeed using the MS Oracle ODBC driver... should I use the Oracle
one? (it's giving me trouble and I'd have to re-install it, that's why I
I *do* check multiple oracle DBs with SA and it's working just fine...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514)
t expected
there is not much info about creating the DSN, but in the nt4 control
pannel, I can "test connect" that DSN sucessfully...
Any thoughts?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
To u
I might be missing something... what I meant by "put in startup" was,
create a shortcut so serversalive.exe in c:\windows\start menu\startup\
.. or where ever this is on your system...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
put it in the startup?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/17/03 1:53:45 PM >>>
I've set up Servers Alive to reboot Win 98 when my server goes down.
Rebooting restarts
I just run it off my personal machine... don't like "infecting" prod
with beta...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/9/03 9:36:24 AM >>>
Are we supp
make sur eto check "when up also" (or similar)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/19/02 2:46:30 PM >>>
Hello, All,
It's very possible that I missed this i
try setting directory=F
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/13/02 3:16:20 PM >>>
I'm running V3.1.1043, and am having problems with the countfiles addin. I
think I'
I Might have missed some of this thread, but have you removed the leading dot (.)? SA
does not like leading dots from what I recall...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/13/02 9:28:53 AM
oops.. didn't mean to reply to list...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/5/02 4:07:44 PM >>>
no prob...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-788
no prob...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/5/02 3:31:43 PM >>>
Roland. I really like the layout of your templates. Would it be possible to get a
copy of your templates?
ed by SA...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/5/02 10:37:45 AM >>>
Hello, All,
I am in the process of evaluating Servers Alive at the request of my boss. I'm at the
point wh
I think it had to do with "desktop interactivity".. ie, when running in terminal
services, as a service, you'd not be able to interact with ServersAlive...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [E
not the answer you're looking for, but:
in SA Setup:
set mail2 as smtp server
set mail1 as alternate smtp server
there's your redundant mail setting.
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
. well, no, wife would kill me, but
this.. this saves me sooo much work.
Wonderstruck is me...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/24/02 10:18:31 PM >>>
Wooohoo! Here we go. Dyna
Hi there, don't recall if this has been requested/covered before, but it would be nice
to be able to use multiple numeric pager numbers... or can it already be done with v3?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
Nah, my mail server has been up and down the last few days (had it not been for SA,
I'd be in some serious hot water) and I thought the list had dropped me...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
. sorry, last message was 4 days ago...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
Ce message a été analysé par GUINEVERE2 et McAfee
This file was Scanned by GUINEVERE2 and McAfee
.. was a miscommunication, please disregard.
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/23/02 2:49:23 PM >>>
Hi there, using the current version of Salive, one of the admins here noticed
the software?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
Ce message a été analysé par GUINEVERE2 et McAfee
This file was Scanned by GUINEVERE2 and McAfee
Questions? [EMAIL
cycle.. and as you can see, before that, SA seems
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/10/02 1:57:17 PM >>>
what does the logfile give for the entry?
Don't forget t
er for linkA (simple text file published in a frame on a www
4) if not, increment counter for linkB (ditto)
5) exit
The process actually works, even when SA thinks the check is unavailable for the 1st
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1
Nope.. every cycle, schedule is green...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/10/02 1:51:43 PM >>>
Do you have it checking every x out of x times? Or on a schedule?
For two out of the three, this is the case, however, the errorlevel check has no
dependencies (or dependents even)
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/10/02 12:58:02 PM >>>
Are t
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/10/02 12:57:06 PM >>>
probably they depend on hosts that are below them in the list.
Don't forget to vote for Servers Alive in the annual Sunbelt Targ
hapenning for a
few versions now, had just forgotten about it, as I don't restart SA often enough for
it to be a bother.. but it's fresh in my mind now... getting old.. you know...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
Forgive the test.. have not seen a message from list since 2002/08/15.
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
ICQ # 1355591
Ce message a été analysé par GUINEVERE2 et McAfee
This file was Scanned by GUINEVERE2 and McAfee
Sounds like user authentication problems to me... are you giving SA a valid
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/31/02 5:40:10 PM >>>
what value gets returned when you do an "in setup test" ie, in the item setup, on the
snmp tab, you click on the "drawing/icon"?
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
ICQ # 1355591
>>> [
suggest you verify that you are using full [EMAIL PROTECTED] addressed in SA and not
just user. Your SMTP server is complaining about the format of the mail from
information SA is giving it.
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
As a Novell guy, I'm obviously biased, but check out NIMS (to see it in action go to ) ...
very cheap... list price at 15$ / user, but volume stuff can be easily had.
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt
Suggest you might try to change the "From" field in servers alive to add a domain
name.. ex.: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This can be done in setup > smtp
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
>>> [EM
C:\download\countfiles.exe ini=c:\download\countfiles.ini section=test
as your command line
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/24/02 5:18:36 PM >>>
At 8i now, but will move to 9 at some point, and will want to keep checking DBs...
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/14/02 5:47:37 AM >>>
If you're using Oracle
High-res :
Low-res :
Roland Gaspar
Tel.: (514) 398-7880 xt 8603
Fax: (514) 398-7963
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/27/02 11:29:53 AM >>>
59 matches
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