Ian Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On    19 Oct 1998 14:47:57 +0100, Lee Willis said:
> >
> > ^From.*owner-sam-users
> But there's only one From line which ever contains owner-sam-users and
> that's the envelope From line.

Yep, agreed, I hadn't actually intended matching the other one (Which I
realise this _does ...) the .* is intended to catch multiple spaces or
perhaps if owner-sam-users ever decides to give itself a _real_
name. Not likely I know but with some of lists I'm on I find it's safer ..

> Generality is all very well but in this case you don't need it.

True, but you never know ... Admittedly this will match if someone
changes their name to owner-sam-users but if they're that silly then
they deserve to be in (potentially) the wrong folder ...

I was doing object-oriented assembly at 1 year old ...  
For some reason my mom insists on calling it "Playing with blocks"

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