For people scratching their heads and searching the web for answers (like I was), here's a solution to the obscure error "Not listening on called name." Today, I added a new machine account foo091 to the Samba 3.0.22 PDC, but I couldn't access the new machine from Windows XP or smbclient. For example:

$ smbclient //foo091/files
session request to FOO091 failed (Not listening on called name)
session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening on called name)

Eventually, I found a seemingly unrelated error message in the Samba PDC log files:

log. build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt! username carol with uid 557 is not in unix passwd database!

Apparently, carol was deleted from /etc/passwd but was left in /etc/smb/smbpasswd. Deleting the line from the latter file fixed the problem. Hmm....


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