I am from South Africa and this is my first post.
My first installation of SAMBA (2001) worked like a charm! No hassles and the system has been running for the last 2+ years! The documentation was also of such nature that it was no problem to install/configure...
The machine that I have installed SaMBa on has now run out of capacity. I am now about to upgrade the machine (It is a Celeron 1.7 and the new machine is a P4 2.6) and would like to know if there are any documentation migrating users and file systems to newer and faster machines?
1. I want to move my file system (Linux) from a Red Hat Release 7.3 to a more powerful machine running RH9.x.
2. I want to move my users.
3. I want to keep IP/HOSTNAME/SHARES.
Please could you help or point me to the right place?
Thank you for your time and this amazing package. It has saved me more than 30% of my yearly budget due to decrease in MS licences! (And that my company took to the bank!)
Aubrey Kloppers
Cape Town
South Africa
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