I am stuck with Samba -Active Directory communication. Trying to bring my SUSE 
10.0 to speak with AD Domain. 

net rpc testjoin - brings a unable to find suitable server message

net join -  kerberos_kinit_password preauthentication failed and ads_connect 
preauthentication failed

wbinfo -u works fine
wbinfo -t works fine
getent passwd/group works too

smb is running
nmb is running
winbindd is running
nscd is not running

Here my smb.conf

        workgroup = (netbios name of mydomain)
        realm = mydomain.local
        netbios name = sambaservername
        server string = 
        security = ads
        template shell = /bin/bash
        idmap uid = 150000-250000
        idmap gid = 150000-250000
        idmap backend = ldap:// ldap://
        winbind use default domain = yes
        printing = cups
        printcap name = cups
        printcap cache time = 750
        cups options = raw
        map to guest = Bad User
        include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
        logon path = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile
        logon home = \\%L\%U\.9xprofile
        logon drive = P:
        add machine script = /sbin/yast /usr/share/YaST2/data/add_machine.ycp 
        domain logons = no
        domain master = No
        ldap admin dn = 
        ldap delete dn = No
#ldap filter = (uid=%u)
        ldap group suffix = 
        ldap idmap suffix = 
        ldap machine suffix = 
        ldap passwd sync = No
        ldap replication sleep = 1000
        ldap ssl = Start_tls
        ldap suffix = 
        ldap timeout = 5
        ldap user suffix = 
        passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://    
        security = user
        debug level = 5
        log level = 5

my nsswitch.conf

# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be
# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning.
# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for an
# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned
# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason
# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the
# next entry.
# Legal entries are:
#       compat                  Use compatibility setup
#       nisplus                 Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)
#       nis                     Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP
#       dns                     Use DNS (Domain Name Service)
#       files                   Use the local files
#       [NOTFOUND=return]       Stop searching if not found so far
# For more information, please read the nsswitch.conf.5 manual page.

# passwd: files nis
# shadow: files nis
# group:  files nis

passwd: files ldap
group:  files ldap
shadow: files

hosts:  files dns
networks:       files dns

services:       files
protocols:      files
rpc:    files
ethers: files
netmasks:       files
netgroup:       files
publickey:      files

bootparams:     files
automount:      files nis
aliases:        files

my krb5.conf

        default_realm = mydomain.local
        clockskew = 300

mydomain.local = {
        kdc = (FQDN of AD Domain Controller)
        default_domain = mydomain.local
        admin_server = (FQDN of AD Domain Controller)

        kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
        admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
        default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log

        .mydomain.local = mydomain.local
        pam = {
                ticket_lifetime = 1d
                renew_lifetime = 1d
                forwardable = true
                proxiable = false
                retain_after_close = false
                minimum_uid = 0
                try_first_pass = true

my pam.d/login

auth     required       pam_securetty.so
auth     sufficient     pam_winbind.so use_first_pass_use_authtok
auth     sufficient     pam_unix2.so
auth     required       pam_stack.so use_first_pass
auth     required       pam_nologin.so
auth     required       pam_mail.so
account  sufficient     pam_winbind.so use_first_pass use_authtok
account  required       pam_stack.so service=system-auth
account  sufficient     pam_unix2.so
password sufficient     pam_winbind.so use_first_pass use_authtok
password required       pam_pwcheck.so
password sufficient     pam_unix2.so
session  required       pam_stack.so service=system-auth
session  optional       pam_console.so
session  sufficient     pam_winbind.so use_first_pass use_authtok
session  required       pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022
session  sufficient     pam_unix2.so
session  required       pam_limits.so

and finally /etc/ldap.conf

# This is the configuration file for the LDAP nameservice
# switch library, the LDAP PAM module and the shadow package.

# Your LDAP server. Must be resolvable without using LDAP.

# The distinguished name of the search base.
base dc=mydomain,dc=local

# The LDAP version to use (defaults to 3
# if supported by client library)
ldap_version 3

# The distinguished name to bind to the server with.
# Optional: default is to bind anonymously.
rootbinddn (DN of administrator)

# The credentials to bind with. 
# Optional: default is no credential.
bindpw secret

# The distinguished name to bind to the server with
# if the effective user ID is root. Password is
# stored in /etc/ldap.secret (mode 600)
rootbinddn (DN of administrator)

# The port.
# Optional: default is 389.
#port 389

# The search scope.
#scope sub
#scope one
#scope base

# Search timelimit
#timelimit 30

# Bind timelimit
#bind_timelimit 30

# Idle timelimit; client will close connections
# (nss_ldap only) if the server has not been contacted
# for the number of seconds specified below.
#idle_timelimit 3600

# Filter to AND with uid=%s
#pam_filter objectclass=account

# The user ID attribute (defaults to uid)
#pam_login_attribute uid

# Search the root DSE for the password policy (works
# with Netscape Directory Server)
#pam_lookup_policy yes

# Check the 'host' attribute for access control
# Default is no; if set to yes, and user has no
# value for the host attribute, and pam_ldap is
# configured for account management (authorization)
# then the user will not be allowed to login.
#pam_check_host_attr yes

# Group to enforce membership of
#pam_groupdn cn=PAM,ou=Groups,dc=padl,dc=com

# Group member attribute
#pam_member_attribute uniquemember

# Specify a minium or maximum UID number allowed
#pam_min_uid 0
#pam_max_uid 0

# Template login attribute, default template user
# (can be overriden by value of former attribute
# in user's entry)
#pam_login_attribute userPrincipalName
#pam_template_login_attribute uid
#pam_template_login nobody

# Do not hash the password at all; presume
# the directory server will do it, if
# necessary. This is the default.
#pam_password clear

# Hash password locally; required for University of
# Michigan LDAP server, and works with Netscape
# Directory Server if you're using the UNIX-Crypt
# hash mechanism and not using the NT Synchronization
# service. 
pam_password crypt

# Remove old password first, then update in
# cleartext. Necessary for use with Novell
# Directory Services (NDS)
#pam_password nds

# Update Active Directory password, by
# creating Unicode password and updating
# unicodePwd attribute.
#pam_password ad

# Use the OpenLDAP password change
# extended operation to update the password.
#pam_password exop

# Redirect users to a URL or somesuch on password
# changes.
#pam_password_prohibit_message Please visit http://internal to change your 

# RFC2307bis naming contexts
# Syntax:
# nss_base_XXX          base?scope?filter
# where scope is {base,one,sub}
# and filter is a filter to be &'d with the
# default filter.
# You can omit the suffix eg:
# nss_base_passwd       ou=People,
# to append the default base DN but this
# may incur a small performance impact.
#nss_base_passwd        ou=People,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_shadow        ou=People,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_group         ou=Group,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_hosts         ou=Hosts,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_services      ou=Services,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_networks      ou=Networks,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_protocols     ou=Protocols,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_rpc           ou=Rpc,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_ethers        ou=Ethers,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_netmasks      ou=Networks,dc=padl,dc=com?ne
#nss_base_bootparams    ou=Ethers,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_aliases       ou=Aliases,dc=padl,dc=com?one
#nss_base_netgroup      ou=Netgroup,dc=padl,dc=com?one

# attribute/objectclass mapping
# Syntax:
#nss_map_attribute      rfc2307attribute        mapped_attribute
#nss_map_objectclass    rfc2307objectclass      mapped_objectclass

# configure --enable-nds is no longer supported.
# For NDS now do:
#nss_map_attribute uniqueMember member

# configure --enable-mssfu-schema is no longer supported.
# For MSSFU now do:
#nss_map_objectclass posixAccount User
#nss_map_attribute uid msSFUName
#nss_map_attribute uniqueMember posixMember
#nss_map_attribute userPassword msSFUPassword
#nss_map_attribute homeDirectory msSFUHomeDirectory
#nss_map_objectclass posixGroup Group
#pam_login_attribute msSFUName
#pam_filter objectclass=User
#pam_password ad

# configure --enable-authpassword is no longer supported
# For authPassword support, now do:
#nss_map_attribute userPassword authPassword
#pam_password nds

# For IBM SecureWay support, do:
#nss_map_objectclass posixAccount aixAccount
#nss_map_attribute uid userName
#nss_map_attribute gidNumber gid
#nss_map_attribute uidNumber uid
#nss_map_attribute userPassword passwordChar
#nss_map_objectclass posixGroup aixAccessGroup
#nss_map_attribute cn groupName
#nss_map_attribute uniqueMember member
#pam_login_attribute userName
#pam_filter objectclass=aixAccount
#pam_password clear

# Netscape SDK LDAPS
#ssl on

# Netscape SDK SSL options
#sslpath /etc/ssl/certs/cert7.db

# OpenLDAP SSL mechanism
# start_tls mechanism uses the normal LDAP port, LDAPS typically 636
ssl start_tls
#ssl on

# OpenLDAP SSL options
# Require and verify server certificate (yes/no)
# Default is "no"
#tls_checkpeer yes

# CA certificates for server certificate verification
# At least one of these are required if tls_checkpeer is "yes"
#tls_cacertfile /etc/ssl/ca.cert
#tls_cacertdir /etc/ssl/certs

# SSL cipher suite
# See man ciphers for syntax
#tls_ciphers TLSv1

# Client certificate and key
# Use these, if your server requires client authentication.

Any Tips what I am missing out on ?????  I am trying to get authentication 
working with SAMBA through to AD


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