I have been having some trouble getting roaming profiles to work on my new samba domain. Actually, it works for some machines but not others. First, the server is debian testing with samba "Version 2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian" and the smb.conf is this:

   server string = calypso01
   netbios name = calypso01
   workgroup = Calypso
   security = users
   domain logons = yes
   encrypt passwords = yes
   wins support = yes
   preferred master = yes
   local master = yes
   os level = 99
   logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u
   logon drive = H:
   logon home = \\%N\%u
   logon script = logon.bat
   time server = yes
   domain admin group= root @admins
   hosts allow = xxx.xxx.xx.192/ printing = cups
   load printers = yes
   printcap name = cups
   SO_SNDBUF=8192 utmp = yes
   unix password sync = true
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *password* %n\n *password* %n\n *successful*

   read only=yes
   writeable = no
   browsable = no

    path = /home/profiles
    browseable = yes
    writeable = yes
    create mask = 0600
    directory mask = 0700

   comment = Home Directories
   read only = no
   browseable = no
   guest ok = no
   valid users = %S
   create mode = 0664
   directory mode = 0775

The clients are Win2k SP3 machines. I have two different installs of
Win2k on two different pardware setups. Both are SP3. One of the sets of machines doesn't work, the other does. All on the same subnet. All
machines have been added to the domain successfuly and the users can log
on AND the logon.bat gets executed in both cases.
The specific behavior I see is that one set of machines propogates profiles like I expect. The other set will pull a profile from the server IF there is no profile for that user on the machine already, but it will not push any changes to that profile or pull a newer profile from the server again.
The times are correctly synchronized between the server and the
clients (in my logon.bat I run "net time \\calypso01 /set /yes").
I have noticed that the case of the machine name in "My
Computer->Properties->Network Identification->Properties->Computer Name"
are different between the two machines (of course the NetBIOS name in the Advanced Panel is still the same, all caps). The working machines have lowercase names and the non working have uppercase. But I don't see that it matters in some of the network captures I looked at, it seems that anytime the workstation name is sent it is sent in all caps.
Lastly, another problem that has caused some confusion is that the machines were on a previous Win2k Domain. There were some profiles for that domain remaining and this has cause some confusion, but I have tested on machines free of preexisting profiles, with a clean profile and the problem still persists.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


PS - Please cc my address in any reply as I have not been able to get myself registered on the list (local problems)
PPS - Apologies if this gets cross posted.

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