First let me give my thanks inadvance for any help

I am tasked with setting up a Samba server to
authenticate against the windows2003 ADS(LDAP server).
With the msSFU3.5 schema extensions already installed
and configured. 

We have an existing Samba server that is
authenticating against a MySQL LDAP server and is
working fine with a multi TB SAN hung off of the samba
server for home and user storage directories.

In the Samba 3.0 User's Guide chapter 13 (IDMAP) hits
on this subject but is not very definitive on what the
actual configs are/should be. Has there been any
further HowTos created for this type of scenerio? I
have searched high and low and cannot seem to get this
working.... GGRRR

I have had the samba authentication using Winbind up
and working perfectly however the requirement of the
locally cached mapping db is not an option that I can
use in production. Inaddition the multiple TB of
storage with permissions already set and the powers
above dictating the use of ADS. Thus forcing me to use
ADS with the schema extensions. 

thanks again,

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