Compliments of, PC and Network services with over 10 years of 
Technical Experience

"Cyberprowlers" know that children today are computer savvy, and know that they 
generally are very trusting of people. They use this knowledge to befriend them, and 
can be dangerous if they learn information about who the child is, where s/he lives, 
or tries to arrange a meeting. If you have children, check some of the sites listed 

General Guidelines
* Teach your children about safety online; children should never give out personal 
information such as full name, address, birth date, phone number, where they go to 
school or other identifying information
* Monitor your childrens' online activity; know what they do online. Let children know 
you are not being nosy; that you are only trying to protect them
* Don't place a computer that is attached to the Internet in a child's bedroom; keep 
wired computers in a main area in the house where online problems can be easily 
* Research children-friendly aides such as monitors (which can tell you where your 
child has visited), filters (which prevent your child from visiting sites based on 
various criteria), Internet service providers (ISPs) with child-friendly access, and 
suggesting children use child-friendly search engines such as

Quick Tips

What you should do if you are infected by a computer bug
Turn off all active shares (file sharing)that you are running on your computer so that 
your computer is not accessible on the department network. Do not send any emails 
prior to resolving this issue.

Identify the virus - most computer viruses can be identified by simply running a virus 
detection program like McAfee VirusScan. Download a copy from OIT's website now if you 
do not have one. (note: the download link will only work if you are on campus).

Find a solution - please take a moment and visit 
McAfee puts up a exhuastive list of computer viruses and directions to eradicating 
them. Please note that though most solutions don't require you to use McAfee's 
VirusScan product, we recommend that you uninstall any other virus detection program 
and install McAfee's.
Contact us immediately if you are unable to perform these tasks. Make sure you power 
down (shut-off) your PC and unplug the network cable from the computer and/or the wall 

What you can do to keep your computer safe
Like any rational system the prevention of a problem is much desirable to finding it's 
solution. We have provided the following checklist that our clients may use as a 
guideline to protect themselves from various computer attacks.

[ ] Turn off File Sharing if you do not need it.
By default file sharing is turn on automatically when you install Microsoft Windows 
NT/2000/XP. Most people do not need to share files but they may need to access them 
from other people. Turning file sharing off will not hamper your ability to access 
other computers on the network and collect data.
[ ] Do not share the root of your main drives.
The C: drive is usually the main drive in windows machines because this is where the 
system files are stored. Sharing the whole drive is not recommended as it makes it 
easier for these files to be corrupted or possibly deleted remotely. We advice that 
you create a folder in this drive and share only that folder on the network. Once 
again root shares are default in Windows NT/2000 for logical reasons that do not apply 
to most users.
[ ] Password protect your shared folders (when possible).
[ ] Make sure you have a virus detection program.
You can download McAfee VirusScan from OIT (highly recommended)
[ ] Firewall anyone?
For extra security you could purchase or download firewall software. A firewall closes 
all the entry points to your computer and don't restrict access. In its simple form it 
will make your computer invisible to the network and internet. The side effect is that 
you will not be able to access your computer remotely in most cases. A good freeware 
firewall program is Sygate Personal Firewall. Download this from

Compliments of, PC and Network services with over 10 years of 
Technical Experience
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