
Using Ubuntu 7.04 as the client OS, I am pondering how to automate a bit of "drive 
mappings" as I did previously with Windows.

1) What is the syntax to mount the user's home share? If possible I would like 
to variable'ize the username, or not even have to specify it at all. (Assume 
the user's Linux and Samba user names match.)

2) Suggestions / best practices of how to define a naming standard for all of 
the mount points for connections to various servers / shares?

I have been considering:

Not exactly multi-user friendly.

2B) Since /home is on its own partition, can I mount Samba shares on that 
partition, or must the mount point reside on the root partition?

Then my standard might become:
~/mnt/servername/sharename  ;-)

3) Must I have a "logoff" script, or when Linux shuts down does it take care of 
properly ending connections?

4) Is there an equivalent of doing a domain style logon to a Samba PDC from a 
Linux / Samba client that will run some sort of logon script? If so, then 
please explain how.

Currently we set:
   logon script = LOGON.BAT
   logon drive = I:
   logon path =

Thus LOGON.BAT is the name of the script, and the path being set to null 
disables roaming profiles.

I think this is enough questions for now. Thanks!

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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