I have a Xandros computer running samba and winbind which has joined an
active directory domain.  The samba side seems fine -- I can browse
shares, the net ads join worked fine (after some help from this mailing
list), net ads user lists all users, etc.  However, single sign on is
still posing a problem.

When the computer is first booted up, wbinfo -p, wbinfo -t, and wbinfo -a
work fine.  wbinfo -u never does, although I can list users with net ads
user.  At the X windows login screen, there is a nice pick list with the
domains for all of the schools on the network, the same list that I would
see on a windows machine.  Trying to log in to the domain using usernames
and passwords that checked out with wbinfo -a fails.  If I then log in
through the X windows login screen to just the local machine, not the
domain, wbinfo -p, wbinfo -t, and wbinfo -a no longer work until the
machine is rebooted.  (I have not had any luck with even wbinfo -p after
logging in through an X windows login screen, even if I restart samba and
winbind.)  Logging in just from a command prompt never causes this
problem, that I have seen.

I am putting all of the files that I can think of that you might need here
(minus most of the comments for the sake of brevity).  If you need
anything else please let me know.



account sufficient      pam_winbind.so
account required        pam_unix.so


auth sufficient pam_winbind.so
auth    required        pam_unix.so use_first_pass


session required        pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=0022
session sufficient      pam_winbind.so
session required        pam_unix.so


        default_realm = FAYETTE.KETSDS.NET

                kdc = FAYETTE.ketsds.net
                default_domain = FAYETTE.ketsds.net

        FAYETTE.ketsds.net = FAYETTE.KETSDS.NET
        .FAYETTE.ketsds.net = FAYETTE.KETSDS.NET



passwd:         files winbind
group:          files winbind
shadow:         files winbind

hosts:          files dns
networks:       files

protocols:      db files
services:       db files
ethers:         db files
rpc:            db files

netgroup:       nis


#======================= Global Settings =======================
workgroup = FAYETTE
security = ads
idmap uid = 10000-20000
idmap gid = 10000-20000
template shell = /bin/bash
template homedir = /home/%U
winbind use default domain = yes
wins server =
password server = FAYETTE.ketsds.net

## Browsing/Identification ###
;   wins support = no
;   wins server = w.x.y.z
   dns proxy = no
   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

#### Debugging/Accounting ####
   log file = /var/log/samba/log
   max log size = 1000
;   syslog only = no
   syslog = 0
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

####### Authentication #######
   encrypt passwords = true
   passdb backend = tdbsam guest
   obey pam restrictions = yes
;   guest account = nobody
   invalid users = root
   map to guest = Bad User
;   unix password sync = no
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n .
;   pam password change = no
   client use spnego = no

########## Printing ##########
   load printers = no
   printing = cups
   printcap name = cups

######## File sharing ########
   dos filetimes = yes

############ Misc ############
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY
   display charset = iso8859-1
   unix charset = iso8859-1
;   domain master = auto

Renee Gehlbach                 Lexair, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         2025 Mercer Rd
859.255.5001                   Lexington, KY 40511

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