Bleh, sorry folks.  Two days troubleshooting this and I find the problem
ten minutes after posting.  Fixed it by synchronising the time with the
PDC and rebooting the Solaris box.  All my users are listed fine now in
"getent passwd", and I can browse to the shares.
... now I just need to work out how on earth I grant file permissions to
my windows users.


From: Ross Smith 
Sent: 22 February 2008 09:51
To: ''
Subject: Samba and ADS authentication problems

Hey folks,
I'm having trouble with AD integration with the version of Samba
included in Solaris build 78 (Samba version 3.0.25a). I think it's
almost working, but I get an authentication prompt every time I try to
connect to samba from a windows client, and no matter what I enter I
can't authenticate to see the shares. 
The main documentation I've been using is Sun's guide to setting up
Samba:, but I've also been
referring to the official How-To.
I'm trying to join Samba to my windows domain as a member server using
ADS.  I've read and re-read all the documentation I can find over the
last couple of days but I've no idea now where I've gone wrong.  What
*is* working is the following:

- Kerberos seems fine. "klist" shows a valid ticket, and "kinit
authenticates ok.
- The samba machine account in Active Directory created fine when I used
the "net ... ADS JOIN ..." command.
- From Solaris I can list Active Directory users and groups with "wbinfo
-u" and "wbinfo -g".
- From Solaris, smbclient works anonymously and can list the shares on
both Samba and our windows servers with "smbclient -N -L computer".
However, any attempt by a windows client to view shares on the Solaris
server returns Access denied, followed by a password prompt, and on
Solaris, smbclient returns NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE if I try to
authenticate with any username.  I suspect the problem is linked to the
fact that "getent passwd" and "getent group" just return the Solaris
users and groups, whereas the documentation states that they should
include the Active Directory accounts too.
One other thing that might be wrong is that in all the examples I've
seen online, "wbinfo -u" returns users in the form DOMAIN\user. However,
in our case it simply lists the usernames, no domain is included.
Searching on google, I've found a few people reporting identical
problems, so I'm guessing whatever I've done it's a fairly basic
mistake, but I haven't found any solution to this. Can anybody help out?

This is my first time posting, I've attached the smb.conf and krb5.conf
files but I'm not sure if they will be visible, please let me know if I
need to copy/paste them into a message instead.
Ross Smith 
Network Manager 
Robinson Construction <> 

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