bill eight wrote:

Ok - win95 systems were on Samba 2.2.x
Now, added XP pro systems...

added user account on XP desktop
AND on samba/linux server and
did a "smbpasswd -a"

c:\>net use \\ipaddr\share /user:"user"

works ..

but on the XP system (logged in as that
user) I CAN't see the network, even
doing an add network places..
(I get no error.. )

question - DO I need to put info about the XP machine
into the samba server?

If you use 'security = user' than machine (XP system) should become a member of this domain before you will be able to login into domain from this machine. So, yes - you DO need to put info about the XP machine into the Samba server. The good news is that when you join the Domain Samba will put this info for you.

It probably doesn't answer what you have actually asked but it's a hint that you maybe need to give more details on what you did, what you expected to see and what you actually saw. :)

Hope it helps,

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