

i have a problem with the logon as user.

The logon to read on LDAP is ok, then the admin is CN=admin bat user sign on is 
a attribute.


My Config LDAP:

OU=Benutzer-ber, OU=Berlin,DC=ldap,DC=de


 |------- CN = admin

 |------- CN = popay\, pop

                               |-------  opjectClass = user(sAMAccountName = 



OU=Benutzer-ber, OU=Berlin,DC=ldap,DC=de

ldap filter = (& (objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%u))

ldap user suffix = sAMAccountName


My question: can SAMBA interieren?




PS: sorry for my English my German is better ;O)


Liebe Grüße aus Berlin

  ccn Torsten Pregel


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