Further to below: I noticed that some of the various documents show smbldap-populate adding the root account. The one on my system didn't. However, I'm still not sure why smbpasswd -a root doesn't add it.

I tried using the samba and admin accounts to set the various privileges but that doesn't seem to work either. I get the following: semper:/etc/ldap# net -S Localhost -U admin rpc rights grant "rahim-dale\Domain Admins" SeMachineAccountPrivilege SePrintOperatorPrivilege SeAddUsersPrivilege SeDiskOperatorPrivilege SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege
Failed to grant privileges for rahim-dale\Domain Admins (NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED)

I can't see any way in phpldapadmin to add the privileges and I can't get smbldap-usermod to let me do anything either.

I've also been playing around with pdbedit without any luck.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


The first step in 5.4 is smbpasswd -w <password>. I've done that and it
succeeded. It currently reports that it set the password for "samba",
which is the user defined in smb.conf. phpldapadmin shows samba as being
a "gecos: System User" in objectClasses top, inetOrgPerson,
posixAccount, shadowAccount.

The slapd.conf file includes samba-access.conf, which gives admin and
samba extensive write privileges. The admin privileges are taken from
the howto below, while the ones for samba are from the idealx.org
manual. They also give others the right to modify some of their own

Stéphane Purnelle wrote:

Hash: SHA1

This howto contain some error I think, before truy a smbpasswd, Samba
must have the information
what user must I use to connect to LDAP, this question is answered
with the ldap admin dn parameter in smb.conf.  If there a user, there
a password.  For specifye the password, you must you the commande
smbpasswd -w xxxx (xxxx = the passwd of the user)

ATTENTION : in your slapd.conf, only admin can write.  If you want to
use other ldap user, you must modify you slapd.conf

Gary Dale a écrit :
I was trying to follow the howto below to get Samba-LDAP working on
my Debian/Sarge server. I'm stuck in section 5.4:

When I try the "smbpasswd -a root" I get:
semper:/etc/phpldapadmin/templates# smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn=
uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access
       no write access to parent
ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root
(dn = uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org)
Failed to add entry for user root.
Failed to modify password entry for user root

The next two steps are:
smbldap-passwd Administrator   -- this works
smbldap-usermod -J Administrator  -- this fails

And after that nothing works.

I've managed to get phpldapadmin working (finally) but that doesn't
seem to help. I can add accounts, etc., but they don't seem to help.
When I try to get a Windows XP computer to join the domain, I get
"logon failure: unknown user name or bad password".

I can browse the network from a Windows XP machine as well, but
can't connect to any network shares that have any security on them.

I've gone through the idealx.org smb-ldap documentation and can't
see anything obvious that I'm doing wrong. Nor have I found anything
in searches that tells me any more than what the immediate error
message says (basically they seem to say it's a rights issue so fix
it without specifying how to do it).

Please help!

Louis van Belle wrote:

Hi everybody,
I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers.

This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan
+ phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes.

this howto is also based on the idealx howto

If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager,
setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc.
other nice tools is ldapadmin ( ldapadmin.sf.net ) a must check it

We will use a Debian Sarge as setup.  If you never used Debian
before, you can follow this how-to
(http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_debian_sarge ) , please
read the comment below the pages first, this can save you time and
problems or install Debian without any software packaged, we will
install them later when needed.
Checking the kernel of compile your own kernel if needed.

I try to give a complete solution for this how-to, this is because
lots of people where asking the same things on the samba list and
lots of people make the same mistakes.

This is my company's running setup.

I run this on a P866, 512 Ram, Scsi Raid 1 ( 15rpms 73 Gb ) , with
50 users 25 printers which do about 150.000 prints a month.

I thank my company to let me make this document.

Please if you have improvements, comments, send them to me.

Louis van Belle

Page nr.
1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel 3
1.1  Preparing apt configuration    3
1.2 Preparing the kernel    3
1.3 setup the /etc/fstab    3
1.4 final touch, lilo (or grub)    3
2 Pre-installation of the debian packages    4
2.1  Samba and Ldap    4
2.2 basic rights setup for samba    4
2.3 why this rights setup.    4
3 LDAP Server configuration    5
4 installation/configuration libnss, libpam (-ldap)    7
5 Samba and smbldap-tools Configuration    8
5.1 smbldap-tools installation/configuration    8
5.2 setting up samba base config    8
5.3 Configuring smbldap.conf    9
5.4 set the samba ldap admin password    9
5.5 Samba PRIVILEGES Setup    10
6 CUPS - Printer software    11
6.1 Setup Cups    11
6.2 Setup Cups PDF Printer. - Creating a PDF Printer    11
7 Configuring phpldapadmin    12
7.1 installation of phpldapadmin ( and apache )    12
8.0 On-Access virus scanning on samba (samba-clamav)    13
8.1 Installing ClamAV    13
8.2 get the sources ( samba & samba-vscan )    13
9.0 Recycle bin on samba    14
9.1 Recycle bin configuration    14
Appendix 1 (complex samba-access.conf ) SETUP WITH DSA USERS    15
Appendix 2 APT    16
2.1 APT HOWTO    16
2.2 Files from /etc/apt    17
2.2.1 /etc/apt/apt.conf    17
2.2.2 /etc/apt/preferences    17

1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel
1.1  Preparing apt configuration
for this go check out my apt howto.

if you apt config is setup rights, follow the steps below.
   ncurses interface for compiling the kernel      apt-get install

   get the kernel source     apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8

   installer right kernel and activate EXT2/3 + Extended
attributes     and setup CIFS kernel support to in kernel.

1.2 Preparing the kernel
   apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 kernel-package fakeroot
libc6-dev libncurses5-dev

   cd /usr/src      tar -jxf kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2
   ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8
   cp /boot/config-2.6.8-2-* /usr/src/linux/.config
   cd linux
   make menuconfig - File systems - Ext2/3 + extended options
           also  File systems - Miscellaneous filesystems -
           and   File systems - Network File Systems - CIFS
support + extended Attributes
   now create the kernel and install it.

   fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-kernel=-mykernel --initrd

   This create a file kernel-image-2.6.8.custom.1.0_i386.deb under

   dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.8.custom.1.0_i386.deb  to install the
1.3 setup the /etc/fstab

   /etc/fstab :   add the acl and user_xattr to the right partition

   /dev/xxx      /home           ext3    defaults,acl,user_xattr

   I use /home/samba for the samba environment.     All the needed
samba directories will be put here. !!   This is important !
1.4 final touch, lilo (or grub)
   lilo and reboot , login and do 'uname -a' and you wil see a line
like     this.
   Linux ms249-lin-001 2.6.8-mykernel #1 Wed Jun 1 15:03:47 CEST 2005
   Your server is now ready for samba 3. 2 Pre-installation of the
debian packages  2.1  Samba and Ldap

apt-get install slapd samba libsasl2-modules sasl2-bin openssl db4.2-util ldap-utils samba-doc libxml-parser-perl libauthen-sasl-perl

Configuring slapd     set an dns name - internal.yourdomain.tld
   - Give it a name/description     - set that admin password for
the ldap manager     ( cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
   - Allow LDAPv2 protocol?  yes

Configure samba
   set a domain name  DOMAIN
   Use password encryption? Yes     Modify smb.conf to use WINS
settings from DHCP?   No     How do you want to run Samba?  Daemons
   Create samba password database, /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb? No !!!
else you will end up with lots of users from debian in this password
and you don't want that.

Setup samba.schema file for ldap
   zcat /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/LDAP/samba.schema.gz >

In this setup I use /home/samba for the samba environment.
   i use these directories.
   /home/samba     skel,data,profiles,netlogon,printers,spool
   /home/users/     username

2.2 basic rights setup for samba

   /home/samba             777        Administrator:Domain
   /home/samba/spool         777        Administrator:Domain
   /home/samba/printers     775        Administrator:Domain Admins
   /home/samba/profiles     777        Administrator:Domain Admins
   /home/samba/netlogon     775        Administrator:Domain Admins
   /home/samba/data         775        Administrator:Domain
   /home/samba/temp         777        Administrator:Domain
   /home/samba/tools         755        Administrator:Domain
   /home/samba/skel         755        Administrator:Domain

2.3 why this rights setup.

   1 Administrator can create in complete samba environment.
   2 In data directories my users are not allowed to create sub
I create one for the department, and set rights to that department,
from     that point they can create directories.     3 Profiles
777, in the samba config is a parameter defined     valid users =
%u @"Domain Administrators"      Only the user and administrator
can access the user profile
   create mask and directory mask make sure rights are set primary to
the     user.
3 LDAP Server configuration

   Configure slapd.conf, but first stop the slapd server (
/etc/init.d/slapd stop )

   Create ldap certificates for ssl support
   mkdir /etc/ldap/tls

   ## self signed certificate
   openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -nodes -out ldap-server.pem -
keyout ldap-server.pem -days 3650 ( where Common Name =
ldap.yourdomain.tld )

   edit /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
   put these below the other line, the order of schema files must be

   insert the line "include    /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema"

   add these line before the database definition
   TLSCACertificateFile /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap-server.pem
   TLSCertificateFile /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap-server.pem
   TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap-server.pem
Now its time for the ldap database configuration for samba

example of the /etc/slapd.conf    ( database 1 configuration )

# Specific Directives for database #1, of type bdb:
# Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another
# 'database' directive occurs
database        bdb

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix          "dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld"

rootdn          "cn=admin,dc=rotterdam,dc=bazuin,dc=nl"
rootpw          {MD5}fsadsdafasfaewfw
 ## create the rootpw   ## echo rootpw  `slappasswd -h {Md5}` >>

# Where the database file are physically stored for database #1
directory       "/var/lib/ldap"

# Indexing options for database #1
### !!!!! Always run slapindex(8) after changing indices!!!!!!
### and first STOP the LDAP SERVER  ( /etc/init.d/slapd stop )
index           objectClass,uidNumber,gidNumber eq
index           cn,sn,uid,displayName           pres,eq,sub
index           memberUid,mail,givenname        eq,subinitial
index           sambaSID,sambaPrimaryGroupSID,sambaDomainName, eq
## default index
index           default eq

# Save the time that the entry gets modified, for database #1
lastmod         on

# Where to store the replica logs for database #1
replogfile    /var/lib/ldap/replog
# The userPassword by default can be changed
# by the entry owning it if they are authenticated.
# Others should not be able to see it, except the
# admin entry below
# These access lines apply to database #1 only
access to attrs=userPassword
      by dn="cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
      by anonymous auth
      by self write
      by * none

# Ensure read access to the base for things like
# supportedSASLMechanisms.  Without this you may
# have problems with SASL not knowing what
# mechanisms are available and the like.
# Note that this is covered by the 'access to *'
# ACL below too but if you change that as people
# are wont to do you'll still need this if you
# want SASL (and possible other things) to work
# happily.
access to dn.base="" by * read

# The admin dn has full write access, everyone else
# can read everything.
access to *
      by dn="cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
      by * read

# samba access list
include /etc/ldap/samba-access.conf

Example of the /etc/samba-access.conf    ( database 1 configuration )
### OLD Samba no DSA users used
access to

  by dn="cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
  by anonymous auth
  by self write
  by * none

access to attrs=loginShell
  by dn="cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
  by * none

access to

  by dn="cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
  by self write
  by * read

See appendix 1 if you want a more secure ldap database.
!! this setup does not help you to setting this up. !!

run slapindex
and start the slapd server
/etc/init.d/slapd start
4 installation/configuration libnss, libpam (-ldap)

apt-get install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap

Configuring libnss-ldap
   define the host
   distinguished name of the search base

   LDAP version to use
   database requires login
   Make configuration readable/writeable by owner only

Configuring libpam-ldap
   Make local root Database admin.
   Database requires logging in.
   Root login account
   set your password
       ( same as above for admin )

   Local crypt to use when changing passwords

Configure nsswitch
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
# If you have the `glibc-doc' and `info' packages installed, try:
# `info libc "Name Service Switch"' for information about this file.

passwd:         compat ldap
group:          compat ldap
shadow:         compat ldap

hosts:          files dns
networks:       files

protocols:      db files
services:       db files
ethers:         db files
rpc:            db files

netgroup:       nis

Now test the server ldapsearch -x -D
"cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" -W
(enter the password)
if you see result: 0 Success

for now this is ok.
5 Samba and smbldap-tools Configuration

5.1 smbldap-tools installation/configuration

apt-get install smbldap-tools

copy the default config from the example directorie.
cp /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/examples/smbldap_bind.conf

cp /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/examples/smbldap.conf.gz
cd /etc/smbldap-tools
gunzip smbldap.conf.gz

first the easy part.

in /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf
change this to admin

5.2 setting up samba base config

start with the default config
cd /etc/samba
cp /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/examples/smb.conf.gz /etc/samba
gunzip smb.conf.gz

change the config to your needs
some tips using samba on a firewalled system
use the following setting, here eth0 is the internal side

      interfaces = eth0 lo
      bind interfaces only = yes

change the binary location from /opt/..  to /usr/sbin/smbldap-....
the smbldap-tools are installed by debian in /usr/sbin

also in this setup /home/. must be changed to /home/samba/. This
will save you a lot of troubles with rights.

5.3 Configuring smbldap.conf

first we need to get some samba info

net getlocalsid

SID for domain SERVERNAME is:
change the SID in smbldap.conf in the your sid.

change the suffix to your suffix (dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld)
change the hash_encryption to MD5
change userLoginShell="bin/nologin"
and you nologin, because im Configuring ldap for samba only.
set the home directory ( in my case /home/users/%U )
set the other to your needs.

5.4 set the samba ldap admin password

smbpasswd -w ldapadmin_password  Setting stored password for
"cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" in

now we go fill the ldap database with the base setup.

smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000

users are created with     uid     => 2000 groups are created
with     gid    => 2000


smbpasswd -a root
because root is needed for setting up the Privileges.

Now set the Administrator password and enable this user
smbldap-passwd Administrator
smbldap-usermod -J Administrator

5.5 Samba PRIVILEGES Setup

First check you rights and get to know the commands.

net rpc rights list accounts       list users
net rpc rights list            list defined rights.

to get what for rights are defined and users/groups

IF you use a PDC/BDC setup these commands must be done on both

test these commands:

net rpc group
Domain Admins
Domain Users
Domain Guests
Domain Computers

( see next page )

slapcat | grep Group | grep dn

dn: ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Domain Guests,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Domain Computers,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Print Operators,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld
dn: cn=Replicators,ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld

these are the privileges on samba 3.0.14a ( debian )
Privilege                       Description
SeMachineAccountPrivilege      Add machines to domain
SePrintOperatorPrivilege       Manage printers
SeAddUsersPrivilege            Add users and groups to the domain
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege      Force shutdown from a remote system
SeDiskOperatorPrivilege        Manage disk share

give the "Domain Admins" all of the SE Rights.
( -S Servernaam -U Username%Password )

net -S PDC -U root%Password rpc rights grant "DOMAIN\Domain Admins" \
SeMachineAccountPrivilege SePrintOperatorPrivilege
SeAddUsersPrivilege \ SeDiskOperatorPrivilege

Give the "Printer Operators" all Print manage rights. ( -S
Servernaam -U Username%Password )

net -S PDC -U root%Password rpc rights grant "DOMAIN\Print Operators"
6 CUPS - Printer software

apt-cache search cups    to get the info which packages are available

I installed these packages.
apt-get install cups-pdf cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-pt cupsys-client \
foomatic-bin foomatic-filters cupsys-driver-gimpprint gs-esp ( and
dependencies )
Configuring cupsys-bsd
   Do you want to set up the BSD lpd compatibility server? Yes
   all others leave default.

6.1 Setup Cups    /etc/cups/cups.conf

   here locate the lines Allow From
   and change it to your network so you can login on the cups web
   for example:     Allow from 192.168.( this way I can manage it
from 2 departments. )
   (192.168.1.x and 168.192.2.x )

   now you can logon on http://serverip:631/      make it safer to
manage by adding a user to lpadmin group
   and this user can create printer queues
I create printers with the following options.
   socket://printerIPnumber:9100  ( for hp jetdirect ),     Raw,

   I only use cups as spooler for windows pc's and *nix servers.
First we are going to create 1 printer device and this is the CUPS
PDF Printer.

6.2 Setup Cups PDF Printer. - Creating a PDF Printer

   With this printer you can create PDF files bij just printing to

   - logon the web interface and choose add printer.
       Location: %homedir%\cups-pdf
       Description: pdf created in homedir\cups-pdf
   - Device: Virtual Printer(PDF printer) choose it, its below,
- Choose the model/Driver for PDF_printer, Postscript, Continue

   klik on manage printers to see what you have created.
klik on Print Test Page to test the pdf printer. a file is put in the cups-pdf directory of the user you logged on

7 Configuring phpldapadmin

7.1 installation of phpldapadmin ( and apache )
get the packages
   apt-get install phpldapadmin php4 apache

   What is your LDAP server host address?     ( you the
ip/hostname where the ldapserver is )
   ldaps protocol instead of ldap? No

What is the distinguished name of the search base? dc=internal,dc=youdomain,dc=tld

   Which type of authentication you want to use? session
What is the login dn for the LDAP server? cn=admin,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld Which web server would you like to reconfigure automatically?
   select all and press OK.

   restart webservers now: Yes

8.0 On-Access virus scanning on samba (samba-clamav) 8.1 Installing

 apt-get install clamav arj unzoo lha clamav-freshclam
clamav-daemon      Configuring clamav-freshclam :  Daemon
    Choose a close mirror
    Should clamd be notified after updates? Yes
8.2 get the sources ( samba & samba-vscan )

   mkdir /usr/src/sources
   cd /usr/src/sources

   apt-get install dpkg-dev
   apt-get source samba
   apt-get build-dep samba

   cd samba-3.0-14a
   vi source/include/version.h

   here remove the a from the 14 ( 3.0.14a => 3.0.14 )

   ./debian/rules configure-stamp
   cd source
   ./make proto
   cd ../..



   tar xjvf samba-vscan-0.3.6b.tar.bz2

   cd samba-vscan-0.3.6b
--with-samba-source=/usr/src/sources/samba-3.0.14a/source     make
&& make install

   cp clamav/vscan-clamav.conf /etc/samba/samba-vscan-clamav.conf
   change in the samba-vscan-clamav.conf
 clamd socket name = /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
 infected spins action = quarantine  ( or delete , which I choose.)

   When I put that lines in my smb.conf file, I can't access the
   vfs object = vscan-clamav
   vscan-clamav: config-file = /etc/samba/samba-vscan-clamav.conf

   An example:
   comment = Public Directory
   path = /home/public
   vfs object = vscan-clamav
   vscan-clamav: config-file = /etc/samba/samba-vscan-clamav.conf

   !!! BEWARE !!!! if samba upgrade to a higer version you MUST
recompile your samba-vscan. set samba to hold for no upgrade.

   echo packagename hold | dpkg --set-selections     set to hold
   echo packagename install | dpkg --set-selections  set to install
9.0 Recycle bin on samba
9.1 Recycle bin configuration

   configure samba for using the recycle bin.
   I made my manager happy with this.

   create a file in /etc/samba
   and fill it with the options below.


   name = .recycle
   maxsize = 0
   exclude = *.tmp|*.temp|*.o|*.obj|~$*|*.~??|~*.tmp
   excludedir = /tmp|/temp|/cache
   noversions = *.doc|*.xls|*.ppt

   add this to you share, same as vscan.

   vfs object = recycle
   recycle: config-files = /etc/samba/samba-recycle.conf

   create a recycle bin directorie and hide it for the users.

   I created .recycle  this way ( because of the dot) users don't see
   IF.. you don't set you explorer to view hidden files.

restart samba and your done.

You are ready to use your samba server.

Appendix 1 (complex samba-access.conf ) SETUP WITH DSA USERS
see http://www.idealx.org/prj/samba/smbldap-howto.en.html
#### users can authenticate and change their password
#access to

#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by dn="cn=nssldap,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld"
#      by self write
#      by anonymous auth
#      by * none
# some attributes need to be readable anonymously so that 'id user'
answer correctly
##access to

#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by * read
# somme attributes can be writable by users themselves
##access to

#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by self write
#      by * read
## some attributes need to be writable for samba
#access to

#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by self read
#      by * none
## samba need to be able to create the samba domain account
#access to dn.base="dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld"
#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by * none
## samba need to be able to create new users account
#access to dn="ou=Users,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld"
#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by * none
## samba need to be able to create new groups account
#access to dn="ou=Groups,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld"
#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by * none
## samba need to be able to create new computers account
#access to dn="ou=Computers,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld"
#      by dn="cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=internal,dc=yourdomain,dc=tld" write
#      by
#      by * none
## this can be omitted but we leave it: there could be other branch
## in the directory
#access to *
#      by self read
#      by * none

Appendix 2 APT


Preparing apt for online packages.
After installing from CD or DVD adjust your apt config.

This setup makes sure your are using stable packages, that you are
Debian Sarge.

In the apt.conf we defined the default release of debian this case
stable (
Sarge 3.1r0).
The Show-Upgrade "true" is used for showing us the packages which
are going
to be installed, I like to see what I'm installing.
The sources.list  if you used a CD/DVD for installing you can leave
line in the sources.list. This can save you bandwidth. My server is
on a
remote location and I don't use the cd anymore. I added the clamav
as stable because I want a new clamav for virus scanning
more info : http://www.clamav.net/binary.html
The testing and unstable sources are also unmarked, that if you
really need
a newer version of a program then you can try to create it from debian

You can get the source install programs and search by using the
apt-get install package            = get & install package apt-get
remove package          = remove package
apt-get remove --purge package = remove and purge all files of package
dpkg --purge package            = purge all files of package

apt-cache search package        = search for package or part     of
package name apt-cache show package              = get info over
dpkg-reconfigure -plow package     = reconfigure with priority low
( most
options )

for this first cd /usr/src.
apt-get source package            = get source files of packaged

2.2 Files from /etc/apt
2.2.1 /etc/apt/apt.conf

APT::Default-Release "stable";
APT::Get::Show-Upgraded "true";
// 16 MB Limit
APT::Cache-limit 16777216;
// if you have /tmp with no mounted with noexec, you need this.
#DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"mount -o remount,exec /tmp";};
#DPkg::Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount /tmp";};

2.2.2 /etc/apt/preferences

Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 990

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 50

Package: *
Pin: release a=sarge,l=debian-volatile
Pin-Priority: 990

2.2.3 /etc/apt/sources.list

# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.
# We definect the PIN which sets the prioratie of packages selects
# see also the apt-howto
# http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html
# and a nice howto for apt-pinning for beginners.
# http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html
# Stable  PIN 990    PRODUCTION TREE
deb ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb-src ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
# Stable Security updates deb http://security.debian.org/
stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib
## Debian VOLATILE , used for clamav  PINNED 990
deb http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-volatile sarge/volatile main
# Testing  ( PIN 500 )
#deb ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
#deb-src ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
#deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
# Testing Security updates #deb http://security.debian.org/
testing/updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib
# Unstable ( PIN 050 )
#deb ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib
#deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
# unstable Security updates #deb http://security.debian.org/
unstable/updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ unstable/updates main contrib
####    BACKPORTS to STABLE ( Debian Sarge 3.1r0 )
## Laatest Samba from samba.org #deb
http://us4.samba.org/samba/ftp/Binary_Packages/Debian sarge samba
#deb-src http://us2.samba.org/samba/ftp/Binary_Packages/Debian
sarge samba

## MPEG/AVI addons +W32CODECS With MPlayer
#deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sarge main
## www.dotdeb.org, updated php4/php5 mysql-41 mysql-50 qmail clamav
etc etc.
## check the site for the packages list. if you want only 1 package (
preferred )
## change the line to #deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable php5 for
#deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all
#deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all
## BootSplash ( does not work on every kernel ) www.bootsplash.de
## http://www.planamente.ch/emidio/pages/linux_howto_bootsplash.php
deb http://debian.bootsplash.de unstable main
deb-src http://debian.bootsplash.de unstable main

- --
Stéphane Purnelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Site Web : http://www.linuxplusvalue.be
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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