On a small home network, I am trying to move from simple share based security to user 
to openldap.

I have simple share working fine, as long as no authentication is occuring.  Obviously 
not at all secure!

The two immediate problems are

when I go to security=user on the NT authentication side I get:

[Alan@Webby Alan]$ smbclient //webby/WinShare -U Alan
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
[Alan@Webby Alan]$

and on setting up ldap:

[root@Webby openldap]# ldapadd -x -h localhost -D "cn=manager,dc=WEBBY,dc=com" -f 
base.ldif -W
Enter LDAP Password:
ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server

I have no NT server, a pair of win98 boxes and a RH linux 7.2 box samba is running on. 
 I'm sure I have some errors in my configuration files, but have had an aweful time 
making sense of the 200 readme's out on the web.

smb.conf is:
        netbios name = Webby
        workgroup = FAMILY
        server string = House Samba Server
;       security = SHARE
        security = USER
        smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        local master = yes
        max log size = 50
        domain master = yes
        domain logons = no
        name resolve order = hosts wins lmhosts bcast
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        dns proxy = No
        remote announce =
        hosts allow = 192.168.0.  127.
        printing = lprng
        ldap ssl = off
        encrypt passwords = no

        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/spool/samba
        guest ok = Yes
        printable = Yes
        browseable = Yes

        comment = Temporary file space
        path = /tmp
        writeable = Yes
        guest ok = Yes

        comment = WinShare
        path = /export/WinShare
        writeable = Yes
        guest ok = Yes

        comment = mh Code files
        path = /usr/local/Alan
        writeable = Yes
        guest ok = Yes

        comment = mh directory
        path = /usr/local/mh
        writeable = Yes
        guest ok = Yes

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