Hello everybody,

i am running samba 3.0.23c and i have a little problem when writing a
file to a share.

When i connect to my samba server, all the shares are shown correctly.
Then i choose the one
(my usbstick) where i would like to copy some files to.

My client is a windows XP client and what happens is, that samba first
creates the file and all
the needed memory on the usbstick, before it starts to copy the file to
this stick.
(It is the same behaviour when using a hard disk)

I can see this, because i have a "watch -n 1 ls -l /mnt/usbstick" and
there i can see that all the memory is
allocated before the file is really written.

The problem is, that under windows, i don't get this "Copy file from ...
to ..." popup until the file
is written. And this is very annoying, because then the windows user
don't know if the file is copied or not,
especially for large files.

I have experimented with options like "strict allocate = no", but this
didn't help, also strict allocated is
set to no per default, i guess.  I also looked to loadparm.c to find
suitable options, without success.

Now i need a good idea to tell samba, that it should copy the file
directly, and if it does not fit then windows
gets an "no space left" or similar, like it also does when the stick is
connected to windows directly.

I have mounted the stick with the sync option. This is important,
because i never know when the user disconnects
the stick. I have tested the same options without samba, and that works
fine. The file is directly written to the
stick, without allocating the memory first.


 workgroup = Msheimnetz
 netbios name = Samba
 server string = Samba
 security = SHARE
 guest account = nobody
 encrypt passwords = yes
 interfaces =
 strict allocate = no

 path = /media/usbstick
 read only = no
 guest ok = yes

Now i am happy for any idea.

Best regards from Stralsund

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