I'm running RH 7.1 with Samba 2.2.2 as PDC for network including Windows based machines and it's working just fine!
But, I want to upgrade the system to RH 7.2 and to Samba 2.2.4, plus I'm going to install the whole Linux machine from scratch.
I've tried to do that and most of it worked o.k., but I've missed something.
I have backup the following files and restore on the new system:
When I've restart the system, the samba seemed to work fine - login into the domain, shares etc. But the sharing between computer lost, the Win2K & WinXP machine asked for password of the host machine and when I entered it - it logged into the host machine (by host machine I mean a regular machine with share on folders).
I also tried another thing, I've re-join to the domain with one of the WinXP machines and when I did so, whole the computers in the network could see it's shares without problem.
This brought me to the conclusion that there something that I did wrong the SID of the computers and I don't know what I should do to fix it...
In other words, how or what should I backup in order for the all of the Samba data to run on different machine, without the need to re-join all the machines in the domain?

Ronen Baram
System & Network Administrator
Coreflow - Scientific Solutions ltd.
P.O. box 626, Yokneam, 20692, Israel
Tel: 972-4-9935757 ext. 117
Fax: 972-4-9935858

Web: www.coreflow.com 

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