Title: Urgent help needed - Samba 2.2.3a related problem with Windows clients RDR - redirector has timed out a request to .....

Newbie to Samba and I am having some what appears to be Samba related problems.

Running Samba 2.2.3a on a HPUX 11i server for sharing out a database application files (Rational Clearcase).
My smb.conf file:

# Global parameters
        client code page = 437
        workgroup = DEV
        netbios name = CMSSF
        server string = %h Samba %v Server
        security = DOMAIN
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        password server = *
        log file = /var/opt/samba/log.%m
        max log size = 50
        time server = Yes
        load printers = No
        show add printer wizard = No
        preferred master = False
        local master = No
        domain master = False
        dns proxy = No
        wins server = xxx.xx.xx.xx
        kernel oplocks = No
        read only = No
        create mask = 0775
        directory mask = 0775
        hide dot files = No
        oplocks = No

        comment = RDMS Clearcase dbs
        path = /rd1/rdms
        write list = @dms
        guest ok = Yes
        browseable = No

(Have multiple shares configured the same way)

On a few Windows NT clients on 2 different domains users are having problems with certain files that generate Clearcase errors.  User and file permissions are set properly.

These errors are sporadic and do not always occur on the same file.  I've noticed that at the same time as these Clearcase errors, the host's NT event log record a RDR warning  -  "The redirector has timed out a request to ".

Looking at the Samba log files I get the following

Various hosts log files having this problem has similar entries like this:
[2002/10/04 10:13:43, 0] lib/util_sock.c:(436)
  read_data: read failure for 8015. Error = Connection reset by peer

log.smbd has various entries like below:

[2002/10/07 13:41:29, 5] tdb/tdbutil.c:(475)
  tdb((NULL)): tdb_brlock failed (fd=10) at offset 4 rw_type=2 lck_type=6

Is this SAMBA  related issue or something else.. network?.. client??
Is there a config parameter that I can set to resolve these problems?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is all new to me.

Norman Dignard

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