
Regarding userid-allocation: Can ldap idmap alloc and smbldap-useradd
from the smbldap-tools be safely used together?

The winbind idmap backend seems to use the uidNumber of
ou=idmap,dc=example,dc=com as storage for the next available user-ID.

smbldap uses sambaDomainName=EXAMPLE,dc=example,dc=com as default but
this can be configured.

Is it safe to configure ou=idmap,dc=example,dc=com in smbldap in order
to let both winbind and smbldap allocate new userids from the same pool?

e-mail   ::: Leo.Bergolth (at) wu-wien.ac.at
fax      ::: +43-1-31336-906050
location ::: IT-Services | Vienna University of Economics | Austria

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