My guess is you may have forgotten to create the dir....

You could try this little script to check if you have created all the paths


for p in $(grep path /etc/samba/smb.conf | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d" " -f2 | grep -v \%)
do  if [ -d $p ]; then
echo "GOOD! $p EXISTS! YAY!"
echo "$p doesn't exist... YOU WILL HAVE TO CREATE IT."


Bye, Veronica.

On 20 May 2006, at 07:09, Anna Barnes wrote:

I'm running samba on a unix box to share out our unix file system across windows and mac boxes and it works just fine. However, I wanted to add another directory to share so I added it to the smb.conf file by copying previous entries and making the appropriate directory path changes. Now when I connect to server from my Mac box the directory appears in my list of options but after I've authenticated I get the error message The operation cannot be completed because one or more required items cannot be found (error code -43)

What have I forgotten to do ?

Anna :)
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