Hey all, 

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a problem that I am having
on a share (other than home directory) after upgrading to samba 3.0.14a


The situation is this:

  A share is created 

  Like this 



        browsable = no

        comment = ME Front Office

        valid users = @me_front

        force group = mefront

        create mode = 0775

        directory mode =0775

        read only = no

        writeable = yes

        path = /home/mestaff/me_front_office




the users in the NIS group me_front get access to files and can read write
with no problem, however they are unable to overwrite an exisiting file
(even if they created it ) 

so programs like MSword that have auto-backup turend on, just end up making
lots of ~tmp files instead of being able to save the file back.  I've had to
turn of the autobackup feature in word. And everytime they save the file it
needs to be given a different file name or the error "access denied" comes
up.  This does NOT happen if writing to the home share.


This samba box is joined to a w2k3 AD

The domain its connected to is a child domain where all users are seen from
the getent passwd command

However getent group returns groups with child domain users but NOT parent
domain users in the group (this seems to be broken, thus the use for NIS



Any thoughts on what to add to the smb.conf file to fix this?  This was
working fine until the upgrade to 3.0.14a



Thanks in advance


James Mauser

Computer Coordinator 

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Florida Atlantic University



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