        I'm currently doing exactly this for several sites. Within Win2K
and above it is possible to configure Local Group Policy Objects, so that
the ALLUSERPROFILES value is pointed to 
        %LOGONSERVER%\Software\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu

Thus when a user logs in, they see the the menus stored in their profile,
overlayed by these on the Network Drives.

The using the same techniques used by tools such as SMS, and InstallRite,
applications are wrapped and installed onto a Network only Drive.

When a user clicks on the Application Icon, pointed to by the
ALLUSERPROFILE Menu tree, the application is installed.

        So far, we've been able to wrapp most applications this way,
from vendors such as Borland, Adobe, MacroMedia and Microsoft. For details
of this <http://www.appdeploy.com> has more details of how to do this.

        Please note this doesn't work for all applications, for instance
MicroSoft Office need some neat tricks to ensure that it installs a few
things which need to be on the local C: 

        Hopes this helps
Edmund J. Sutcliffe                     Thoughtful Solutions; Creatively 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               Implemented and Communicated
<http://panic.fluff.org>                +44 (0) 7976 938841

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