Hi All 


I have samba 3.0.23d installed on a AIX (5.2) UNIX server and have
mapped a network share on my PC'er.(Windows XP)


My problem is when adding simple text files from my PC'er to the share
and want to edit them in a 'vi' editor, there have been added a escape
character (^M) in the end of each line in the file. Its properly a
'carriage return' or 'line feed' conversion problem.   


It's the same as when ftp transfer a file from Windows to the Unix in
binary mode. When transferring files in Ascii mode there is no problem.


The Unix server is running a ISO8859-1 charset. 


Can any tell me if there is a setting in SWAT I can set to prevent this
escape character?


Many regards 

Anders Birkmose


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