Author: brad
Date: 2006-06-13 03:09:56 +0000 (Tue, 13 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 16180


Updated windows host configuration readme file to reflect the new changes in 

win_setup.wsf is a vbscript that:
* Creates a local workstation administrator account.
* If /hostname:<hostname> is passed in at the command line, change the system 
* If /workgroup:<workgroup> is passed in, change the system workgroup.
* Enable and start the telnet service.
win_setup.wsf requires that common.vbs be in the same directory.


Modified: branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/WINDOWS_SETUP_README
--- branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/WINDOWS_SETUP_README      2006-06-13 02:55:02 UTC 
(rev 16179)
+++ branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/WINDOWS_SETUP_README      2006-06-13 03:09:56 UTC 
(rev 16180)
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-To setup a windows host for testing, i've created a script to create a base
-working directory, install the COP SSH server (,
-create an adminstrative user account, and give that user access to the SSH
+To setup a windows host for testing, i've created a script to create an 
+adminstrative user account, and enable and start the telnet service. 
+Optionally, the hostname and workgroup name can also be set.
-Copy into a directory (C:\smbtmp in this example), and 
-these steps:
+Copy win_setup.wsf and common.vbs into a directory (Z:\smbtest in this 
+ and follow these steps:
-C:\smbtmp>cd windows_setup
-C:\smbtmp\windows_setup>cscript win_setup.wsf /username:<username> 
-(<username> will be created, assigned the password <password>, and added to
-the Domain Admins group. By passing optional /basedir:<basedir> parameter,
-<basedir> will be created, otherwise C:\smbtorture_root will be created.)
+Z:\smbtest>cscript win_setup.wsf /username:<username> /password:<password>
+(<username> will be created, assigned the password <password>, and added to 
+the local Administrators group. By passing the optional /hostname:<hostname> 
+or /workgroup:<workgroup> parameters, the script will set the system hostname 
+or workgroup, respectively.)
-Once this script finishes, <username> should be able to SSH into the windows
+Once this script finishes, <username> should be able to telnet into the windows

Added: branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/win_setup.wsf
--- branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/win_setup.wsf     2006-06-13 02:55:02 UTC (rev 
+++ branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/win_setup.wsf     2006-06-13 03:09:56 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+<job id=win_setup>
+<script language="VBScript" src="common.vbs">
+const USAGE_STATEMENT = "Usage: cscript win_setup.wsf /username:<username> 
/password:<password> /hostname:<hostname> /workgroup:<workgroup>"
+const DEFAULT_BASEDIR = "C:\smbtorture_root"
+' Use WMI to set the local system's hostname.
+function setup_hostname(adminuser, adminpass, hostname)
+       on error resume next
+       dim network, old_hostname, wmi_service, local_machine
+       ' Get current hostname.
+       set network = createObject("")
+       old_hostname = network.computerName
+       ' Get the WMI object for this host.
+       set local_machine = getObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=" _
+               & "impersonate}\\" & old_hostname _
+               & "\root\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" _
+               & old_hostname & "'")
+       if err.number <> 0 then
+               stdout.writeline "Error setting up local_machine in " _
+                       & "function setup_hostname: " & err.description
+               setup_hostname = err.number
+               exit function
+       end if
+       ' Rename the host.
+       error_code = local_machine.rename(hostname, adminpass, adminuser)
+       if error_code <> 0 then
+               setup_hostname = error_code
+               stdout.writeline "Error renaming host to " & hostname _
+                       & ". Returned " & error_code & "."
+               exit function
+       end if
+       stdout.writeline "Local machine renamed to " & hostname & "."
+       setup_hostname = RTN_OK
+end function
+' Use WMI to set the local system's workgroup.
+function setup_workgroup(adminuser, adminpass, workgroup)
+       on error resume next
+       dim network, hostname, wmi_service, local_machine
+       ' Get hostname.
+       set network = createObject("")
+       hostname = network.computerName
+       set local_machine = getObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=" _
+               & "impersonate}!\\" & hostname _
+               & "\root\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" _
+               & hostname & "'")
+       if err.number <> 0 then
+               stdout.writeline "Error setting up local_machine in " _
+                       & "function setup_workgroup: " & err.description
+               setup_workgroup = err.number
+               exit function
+       end if
+       ' Set the workgroup name.
+       error_code = local_machine.joinDomainOrWorkgroup(workgroup, adminpass, 
+       if error_code <> 0 then
+               setup_workgroup = error_code
+               stdout.writeline "Error joining workgroup " & workgroup _
+                       & ". Returned " & error_code & "."
+               exit_function
+       end if
+       stdout.writeline "Workgroup set to " & workgroup & "."
+       setup_workgroup = RTN_OK
+end function
+' Use WMI to start the disabled telnet service.
+function start_telnet_service
+       on error resume next
+       dim network, hostname, wmi_service, telnet_service
+       ' Get hostname.
+       set network = createObject("")
+       hostname = network.computerName
+       set telnet_service = getObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=" _
+               & "impersonate}\\" & hostname _
+               & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Service='TlntSvr'")
+       if err.number <> 0 then
+               stdout.writeline "Error setting up telnet_service in " _
+                       & "function start_telnet_service: " & err.description
+               start_telnet_service = err.number
+               exit function
+       end if
+       ' Set the telnet service start mode to Manual.
+       set method = telnet_service.methods_("ChangeStartMode")
+       set inParam = method.inParameters.spawnInstance_()
+       inParam.startMode = "Manual"
+       set error_obj = telnet_service.execMethod_("ChangeStartMode", inParam)
+       if error_obj.returnValue <> 0 then
+               stdout.writeline "Error changing the telnet service " _
+                       & "start mode: " & error_obj.returnValue
+               start_telnet_service = error_obj.returnValue
+               exit function
+       end if
+       stdout.writeline "Telnet service enabled - Manual start mode."
+       ' net start telnet
+       set shell = wscript.createObject("")
+       netstart_cmd = "net start telnet"
+       error_code =, NEW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, _
+               True)
+       if error_code <> 0 then
+               if error_code = 2 then
+                       stdout.writeline "Telnet service was already started."
+               else
+                       stdout.writeline "Error calling " & netstart_cmd _
+                               & ". Returned " & error_code & "."
+                       start_telnet_service = error_code
+                       exit function
+               end if
+       else
+               stdout.writeline "Telnet service started."
+       end if
+       start_telnet_service = RTN_OK
+end function
+' If username exists, remove it.
+' Create user. Add to local Administrators group.
+function setup_user(username, password)
+       on error resume next
+       set shell = wscript.createObject("")
+       netuser_cmd = "net user " & username
+       error_code =, NEW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, True)
+       if error_code = 0 then 
+               ' Try to delete the user before adding.
+               stdout.writeline "User " & username & " exists."
+               netuserdel_cmd = "net user " & username & " /DELETE"
+               error_code =, NEW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, _
+                        True)
+               if error_code <> 0 then
+                       stdout.writeline "Error calling " & netuserdel_cmd _
+                               & ". Returned " & error_code & "."
+                       setup_user = error_code
+                       exit function
+               end if
+               stdout.writeline "User " & username & " removed."
+       end if
+       netuseradd_cmd = "net user " & username & " " & password & " /ADD"
+       error_code =, NEW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, True)
+       if error_code <> 0 then
+               stdout.writeline "Error calling " & netuseradd_cmd _
+                       & ". Returned " & error_code & "."
+               setup_user = error_code
+               exit function
+       end if
+       stdout.writeline "User " & username & " added."
+       ' Add user to local Administrators group.
+       netgroup_cmd = "net localgroup ""Administrators"" " & username & " /ADD"
+       error_code =, NEW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, True)
+       if error_code <> 0 then
+               stdout.writeline "Error calling " & netgroup_cmd _
+                       & ". Returned " & error_code & "."
+               setup_user = error_code
+               exit function
+       end if
+       stdout.writeline "User " & username & " added to group" _
+               & " ""Administrators""."
+       setup_user = RTN_OK
+end function
+function check_error(error_code, function_name)
+       if error_code <> RTN_OK then
+               stdout.writeline "Fatal error. Function " & function_name _
+               & " returned " & error_code & "."
+               wscript.quit(error_code)
+       end if
+end function
+dim required_options, provided_options
+required_options = array("username", "password")
+set provided_options = wscript.arguments.named
+set setup_options = new setup_object
+setup_options.check_options provided_options, required_options
+if setup_options.error_code = RTN_ERR then
+       setup_options.list_missing_options
+       stdout.writeline USAGE_STATEMENT
+       wscript.quit(setup_options.error_code)
+end if
+username = provided_options.item("username")
+password = provided_options.item("password")
+' Create local admin user with a known password.
+error_code = setup_user(username, password)
+check_error error_code, "setup_user"
+if provided_options.exists("hostname") then
+       hostname = provided_options.item("hostname")
+       error_code = setup_hostname(username, password, hostname)
+       check_error error_code, "setup_hostname"
+end if
+if provided_options.exists("workgroup") then
+       workgroup = provided_options.item("workgroup")
+       error_code = setup_workgroup(username, password, workgroup)
+       check_error error_code, "setup_workgroup"
+end if
+' Enable and start the telnet service.
+error_code = start_telnet_service
+check_error error_code, "start_telnet_service"

Deleted: branches/SOC/bnh/vbscript/
(Binary files differ)

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