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On Monday 04 Nov 2002 6:49 pm, Richard Sharpe wrote:
> I suspect that MS has lots of problems on their hands. There is a steam
> roller of open source coming at them all over the world, and they have
> grown big and bloated and unable to move swiftly.

        Not just open source, but reluctance from business to buy the latest Windows 
and Office products, reluctance from customers to upgrade constantly, 
complete failure of the XBox, losing out in the set-top-box market, not 
making any inroads into mobile phones. I am sure I could go on.

        It's not just Open Source either. Don't forget that there are other 
technologies out there that can help in the fight against the Borg.. J2EE for 
instance is way better than .NOT.

> I say, lets just continue to make it easier for people to get off NT and
> onto Samba on UNIX :-)

        I could not agree more. Active Directory is the biggest enemy here. As long 
as a site feels the need to base itself around AD, Windows desktops, Servers 
and closed proprietry software solutions will follow. This closes and bolts 
the door to better solutions.

- -- 

Barry Dean
Senior Computing Officer
Computing Service, University of Kent
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