On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 05:55:30PM +0200, Alain Defrance wrote:

> i wonder why i 've some process run by root and some by my users ?
> like this :
>    0001177 12078   218  2 17:46:33 ?        0:11 -d2 smbd
>    root  1373   218  0 13:53:20 ?        0:49 -d2 smbd
>    root  6301   218  0 15:41:37 ?        0:47 -d2 smbd
>    0001242  5551   218  3 15:20:00 ?        6:30 -d2 smbd
>    0001164 12524   218  1 17:50:10 ?        0:00 -d2 smbd
>    root 10719   218  0 17:13:55 ?        0:57 -d2 smbd
>    0001343  9011   218  3 16:35:10 ?        3:33 -d2 smbd
>    0001707 10574   218  0 17:01:34 ?        0:05 -d2 smbd
>    root  5622   218  0 15:28:19 ?        2:19 -d2 smbd
> Samba is only used for sharing home directory from windows OS
> if somebody has an explanation he will'be welcome !

After a certain amount of idle time (30 seconds maybe?) a smbd running
as a unix user will drop back to root.  If some activity happens on that
connection it will switch back to the unix user.  I'm not sure why - 
apparently it's a performance related thing. 


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