Hello all,

I have gone through the SAMBA 2.2.8 and modified it to start to take advantage of features for VMS 8.2.

This also repairs most of the compiler diagnostics, including several bugfixes where the compiler would not have generated the intended code.

If you are only pulling some fixes out of this, pay attention to the modules flagged with bugfix. As no one yet has complained about anything that I can trace to these bugs, I do not know how serious they are.

The #ifdef ALPHA features are not #ifndef __VAX so that IA64 will use the 64 bit features.

This does not have the fix that J.Y. Collot is planning for stat() returning a smaller size for a file open for write.

My next step is to merge in the 2.2.12 changes, and if the bugs that I found are still present in the UNIX 2.2.12 release, to report them into BUGZILLA.

I have not tested this on anything other than OpenVMS 8.2 EFT Alpha, and that was not a comprehensive test. After I get up to the 2.2.12 or what ever the UNIX release is, I may then try to build on some selected older versions.


SAMBA_2_2_8-V82-SRC-20041003_BCK.ZIP, 5504 Kb, Sun Oct  3 20:14:54 2004

Good Luck,
Personal Opinion Only



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