Hi all, I am working on a project with an artist involving five scanners that will all be running continuously. They are a range of consumer grade USB scanners, eg, Canon FiDE 25, Epson, AGFA, etc.
I've got the basics going, but we won't have much of a chance to test this out, so I'm hoping to get any advice re: long term running of multiple scanners under SANE. Is this something that can be expected to work long term, or should I pace things in a particular way? Ideally we'd like to use two PCs, one a 3ghz P4 with 512MB running Linux, the other a dual G4 with 512MB running ?, and have three scanners on one computer, two on the other, and have all scanners run at the same time. Would it be safer to have them run sequentially? I'm doing the bulk of the work this weekend, so any advice would be sincerely appreciated. Regards, David