Can someone please give me some information about the canon canoscan d646u
ex...i know its unsupported by sane, but maybe there is some workaround...i
was thinking to develop a backend, but i don't know so much about the
hardware part...what's the chipset....
Or best is to buy another scanner.
thank by the helps, and sorry about the poor english....

Hebert Magalhaes
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From  Tue Mar 28 05:46:58 2006
From: (Tamkang)
Date: Tue Mar 28 05:54:15 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] Authorization , plug on plug off the usb scanner ??
Message-ID: <>

I have a Question that I encounter when I debug microtek2.c there is an 
Authorization function , when it will use ? is it when open xsane as a user not 
as a root so I must login first not as root and after that I can use the 
scanner , there is a problem that I don't understand where is goes wrong in 
this situation:
  1. when I use user login not root and then open xsane  will have error the 
scanner I / O Port failed and the when I debug step by step to look for the 
error , it seems step into the sane_open function, and when after usb_open is 
open the handle device and after that step to usb_claim_interface it return 
error code. 
  sane_open (SANE_String_Const devicename, SANE_Handle *handle)
{/*This function may return with one of the following status codes.
 1.SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR: An error occured while communicating with the device.
 2.SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM: An insufficent amount of memory is available.
 3.SANE_STATUS_GOOD: XSane Open successfully.
   Microtek_Scanner *ms = NULL;
 Microtek_Device    *pdev;

   if (devicename[0])
 {/* selected */
  for(pdev = pdevFirst;pdev; pdev = pdev->next)
       /* no dynamic post-registration */
   if (!pdev)
        return SANE_STATUS_INVAL;
 ms = (Microtek_Scanner *)calloc(1, sizeof(Microtek_Scanner));
   ms->dev = pdev;
 ms->next = ms_first_handle; /* register open handle */
 ms_first_handle = ms;
 //ms->model = pdev->model; /* memorize model */
 /* open and prepare USB scanner handle */
 ms->hdev = usb_open(pdev->dev);
   if (!ms->hdev)
     return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR;/*SetError(this,SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR, "cannot 
open scanner device");    */
   if (usb_claim_interface(ms->hdev, 0))
     return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR;/*SetError(this,SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR, "cannot 
claim IF");   */
   if (usb_set_configuration(ms->hdev, 1))
      return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR;/*SetError(this,SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR, "cannot 
set USB config 1"); */
  after has appear this SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR , I try to plug off the USB cable 
or plug off  the power adapter from scanner and after 2 seconds, I plug on it 
again  and after that I re-run the xsane and it succesfull open xsane, but when 
I restart the computer and use other to login not root it still have the 
problem SANE _STATUS_IO_ERROR,  where is goes wrong ? it seems need root 
authorization isn't it ? because I use root there is no problem with IO ERROR. 
  I use REDHAT 9 kernel 2.4.20-8 and sane-backend 1.0.15 and xsane.0.97 
  Thanks for your help
  Best regards,

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From  Tue Mar 28 12:48:33 2006
From: (Tamkang)
Date: Tue Mar 28 12:49:00 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] Re: A problem with permissions
Message-ID: <>

 It seems that I have a simillar problem with this one, it looks like the OS 
doesn't want to gave the USB_CLAIM_INTERFACE, so it appear I/O error. does 
anyone  have any suggestion ? 
  I use REDHAT 9 kernel 2.4.20-8 and sane-backend 1.0.15 and xsane.0.97 

Thanks for your help

Best regards,

> I've been configuring things on my machine running Debian and have been  > 
> doing well with the exception of one nagging problem: getting SANE to  > run 
> on my user account. When I log into root, it works perfectly, but,  > when 
> I'm logged in as a user, it crashes without any identifiable error.  > The 
> user is in the saned and scanner groups. I have tried to check  > every file 
> and directory to find the one that does not have permission  > set for the 
> user, but I seem to be missing something. Could someone  > suggest somewhere 
> that I might not have thought to look?    You need either udev or hotplug 
> installed, assuming your scanner is  USB and its IDs are known by the version 
> of SANE you're using.    If it still doesn't work, please provide more 
> information: scanner,  libsane version would be a good start.

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From  Tue Mar 28 13:20:07 2006
From: (Felix Rubio Dalmau)
Date: Tue Mar 28 13:27:17 2006
Subject: [sane-devel] padded formats
Message-ID: <>

Hash: RIPEMD160

In SANE documentation is told that the number of bytes per line is
padded by the formula gived there. Can I assume that the bytes of data
are consecutive and, consequently, I should only remove the final bits
(the ones to seem be the "padding bits") ?
For example, if I have a line with 3 pixels, with 3 channels and a
depth of 8 I should have 3 * 3 * 8 bpp/ 8 =  9 bytes but by the
formula, I get 3 * 3 * [(8 + 7)/8 ] = 18 bytes. Can I remove the final
9 bytes? How must I manage this data? I know that it's a basic
question, but I'm tryin to learn it :-) thanks!

- --
Josep Felix Rubio Dalmau
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