Hi Andi,

We've taken the wrapper classes in the japi directory and put them into
their own Java package which we then use from our Java application.
We're currently working on getting this contributed back to the project.
Are you intending on talking "sane net" directly from your Java app or
would you still use the native sane net driver?  If you are doing the
former, we'd be interested in what you come up with, but probably
wouldn't be much help.  If you are doing the latter, I can send you what
we have.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andi McLean [mailto:andi.mcl...@ntlworld.com]=20
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 5:39 PM
To: sane-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: [sane-devel] sane net, for Java,

has any body written any classes to use the sane net protocol from Java?

If so can you please give me pointers, if not I would be intrested in
writing it myself. I need it for a project I'm working on.

Many thanks for your time


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