
Please let me know, if you have any resources.If you have any send them to

Job Description:

Java Weblogic experience is key. Any real migration experience from v8.1 to
v10.3 on weblogic is preferred.

If no Migration experience, then the client prefers Core Java Weblogic
Spring MVC Struts Eclipse

*Experience : 8- 12 years. Location :Miami , FL*

Thanks & Regards,
*Neo Smith
Progress Solutions Inc.,
550 North  Reo Street,
Suite #300 ,  Tampa, FL - 33609
Office: 704 669 7119 Fax: 954 603 8778
Email: n...@psitcorp.com <kris...@psitcorp.com>

Gtalk  :   recruiter.neo ,   Yahoo IM  : neorecriuter

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