
O pessoal do Times descobriu agora :)

Why Ubuntu excites me more than Windows or Macintosh

After a lifetime of high-tech disappointment, Hugo Rifkind has found 
true love, in Ubuntu Linux. As a new version launches, he attempts to 
share his excitement

You know that thing that happens on your computer, when you are using 
Windows? When you ask it to do something, and it thinks about it, and 
then it keeps thinking, and then you go off and make a cup of tea, and 
it’s still thinking, and you want to headbutt the wall, again and again, 
until gets all smeared and red and bloody and bits of your brain are 
raining down on to your shoes? Yes? Well, there’s a way to stop that 
happening. Stop using Windows. Use Ubuntu instead.

Ubuntu is an operating system. If you don’t know what one of those is, 
Google it, and then come back. The latest version comes out today. I’m 
writing this yesterday (confusingly) and I’m actually quite excited. 
Pathetic, isn’t it? Look, bear with me. It’s not easy writing in a 
passionate fashion about an operating system. It feels a bit like having 
a favourite type of petrol, or mounting a vigorous advocacy of a 
particular shade of lightbulb. But dammit, if you work on a desk, these 
are the environs are our worlds. Mine used to be Windows, and now it 
isn’t. And, as a result my life is better. Sad, but true.

Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution of Linux. What does that mean? 
Buggered if I know. If you do, and you are feeling a powerful urge, 
already, to recommend a different version of Linux, then let me stop you 
right there. Is it easier to use? Is it prettier? No? Well, not 
interested. Move along.

I first tried Linux about five years ago, and it was a disaster, for all 
the reasons that Ubuntu is wonderful. The way it used to work, you see, 
was that you’d spend hours downloading the thing, and burning it in the 
right sort of image, and then you’d stick it in your CD drive and the 
screen would go all doolally, like the stuff Keanu sees in The Matrix. 
And then, if you were lucky, it would just go “KERNEL PANIC!!!” and do 
nothing. If you weren’t, it would wipe XP off your actually perfectly 
respectable PC and sit there having ropey graphics at you and not 
letting the wi-fi work. It didn’t take me long to realise why Windows 
was the market leader, and switch back.
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But then came Windows Vista, the OS world’s answer to the Austin 
Allegro. All across the world, sleek expensive machines were sitting on 
desks, blinking little green lights and doing little else, for hours. 
Netbooks and smartphones came along at around the same time, helping 
people to realise that it didn’t really matter what language your 
computer spoke, as long as you could use Google and Hotmail. And into 
the void swooped Ubuntu. Finally, there was a version of Linux that was 
actually pleasant to use. “Linux for human beings,” they called it. See? 
Some IT jokes are actually quite funny.

My Ubuntu setup is faster than a PC and prettier than a Mac. But best of 
all, when you ask it to do something, it does it. Or, at worst, it 
doesn’t do it. It doesn’t think about it, for hours, and then 
mysteriously go off the idea. It doesn’t crash. It doesn’t break. I 
don’t know why everybody doesn’t use it.

Well, okay, I do. Some things might not work, straight away. When I 
installed Ubuntu, the graphics card didn’t get detected (so it was a bit 
blocky) and I couldn’t get flash to work in Firefox. It just took three 
minutes of Googling, though (“Vostro 1700 Ubuntu graphics”) and 30 
seconds of tinkering, and I was away. This kind of stuff shouldn’t put 
you off. Any problem you might have, somebody else will have had first.

“But will I still be able to use Word?” you cry. Well, no. But you will 
be able to use something almost indistinguishable (OpenOffice), or 
Google Docs, which is far more useable anyway. You can mess around with 
it in all sorts of ways, and make it look however you want. I gather 
that Windows 7 is perfectly serviceable, but I wouldn’t go back. I 
wouldn’t see the point. It would be like moving into a generic hotel 
room, when you’re used to having your own house.

Hmm. I’m going on a bit, aren’t I? Look, I’m not an anti-Microsoft 
freak, I swear. I run XP quite happily on my netbook, because it works 
just fine and I can’t be bothered messing around with it. But on the big 
Dell tank that sits on my desk, it’s Ubuntu all the way. Now the new 
version is out, you should try it, too. Download it, put it on a disk, 
stick it in the drive and see what happens. You can run it from there, 
if you want, or you can tell it to install alongside whichever OS you’ve 
got on there already.

Personally, I dual boot with Vista, although I’ve barely used Vista 
three times in six months. The sole reason I do this is because Ubuntu 
won’t run iTunes properly, and as a result it won’t sync our music onto 
the wife’s iPhone. (Yes, I know there are other options. But IT’S THE 

Obviously, it’d be nice if Apple would do something about that. Although 
I doubt they ever will. Because if they did, why would anybody ever buy 
a Mac?

 From Times Online
April 28, 2010

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Why Ubuntu excites me more than Windows or Macintosh

Vi em @catglobo

"Matar o elefante é fácil. Difícil é remover o cadáver."
- Mikhail Gorbachev, político russo


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