This message has been automatically generated in response to the a
licensing question you sent to the Free Software Foundation, with subject:
        "another licensing question for savannah".

There is no need to reply to this message right now.  Your request has
been assigned an ID of [ #78894].

Please include the string:
         [ #78894]
in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.  To do
so, you may reply to this message.

This address is answered primarily by volunteers, overseen by one staff
member of FSF.  We have very limited resources to answers requests.  We
urge you to first read the following material:

Licensing FAQ page:
Text of the GNU GPL:
Text of the GNU LGPL:
Our license list page: 

If one of these sites answers your questions, likely you will not receive
a reply from us.  We sadly don't have the ability to reanswer questions
that we've answered already on our website.

When we are able to answer questions, highest priority is given to Free
Software developers in the community who are actively working on Free
Software projects and need licensing help.

We do offer consulting services for companies who are working to develop
products that incorporate Free Software so that they can do so in ways
that comply with the terms of the GPL and other Free Software licenses.
If you are interested in this service, please write a seperate message to

                        FSF GPL Compliance Lab Office

Savannah-hackers mailing list

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