Greetings SC-L subscribers:

FYI, a Call for Participation for the Hawaii International Conference on System 
(HICSS) Secure Software Architecture, Design, Implementation and Assurance 
Minitrack is out.  The conference takes place 3-6 January 2007 in Waikoloa on 
the Big Island
of Hawaii.

The CFP can be found below.


Ken van Wyk
Kenneth R. van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

HICSS-40: Call for Papers

Secure Software Architecture, Design, Implementation and Assurance (SSADIA) 
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2007

Call For Participation
The Secure Software Architecture, Design, Implementation and Assurance 
minitrack focuses on
the research and automation required to develop secure software systems that do 
compromise other system properties such as performance or reliability. Current 
engineering methods are demonstrably inadequate, as software vulnerabilities 
are currently
being discovered at the rate of over 4,000 per year. These vulnerabilities are 
caused by
software designs and implementations that do not adequately protect systems and 
development practices that do not focus sufficiently on eliminating 
implementation defects
that result in security flaws. An opportunity exists for systematic improvement 
that can
lead to secure software architectures, designs, and implementations.

The following topics are appropriate topics for research papers:
- Static analysis tools and techniques for detecting security flaws and software
vulnerabilities in source or binary code
- Dynamic analysis tools for detecting security flaws and software 
vulnerabilities in source
or binary code
- Model checking tools for detecting security flaws and software 
vulnerabilities in software
- Software architectures and designs for securing against denial-of-service 
attacks and
other software exploits
- Coding practices for improved security and secure library implementations
- Computational security engineering
- Other tools and techniques for reducing or eliminating vulnerabilities during 
and maintenance

Sven Dietrich, CERT
Daniel Plakosh, CERT/CC
Robert C. Seacord, CERT/CC

Address email to the minitrack chairs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Program Committee
Julia Allen, SEI/CMU
Hal Burch, CERT/CC
Brian Chess, Fortify Software
Bob Fleck, Secure Software
Michael Howard, Microsoft
Derek M. Jones, Knowledge Software Ltd
Alan Krassowski, Symantec
Fred Long, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Tom Longstaff,  CERT
Robert Martin, MITRE
Leon Moonen, Delft University of Technology
James W. Moore, MITRE
Samuel Redwine, James Madison University
David Riley, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
John Steven, Cigital
Carol Woody, CERT
Kenneth R. van Wyk, KRvW Associates, LLC

Paper Review And Proceedings Publication
HICSS conferences are devoted to the most relevant advances in the information, 
and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and practice. 
Accepted papers
may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial, or descriptive in nature. Submissions 
must not
have been previously published. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer referee 
Those selected for presentation at the conference will be published in the 
conference proceedings.

Instructions For Paper Submission
HICSS papers must contain original material not previously published nor 
currently submitted
It is recommended that authors contact the Minitrack Chair(s) by email for 
regarding appropriate content.
HICSS will conduct double-blind reviews of each submitted paper.
Submit full paper according to detailed author instructions to be found on the 
site ( ) by May 1.
The preferred format for papers submission is PDF.

Important 2006 Dates
June 15, 2006 - Authors may contact Minitrack Chairs for guidance and 
indication of
appropriate content at any time before June 15.
August 15, 2006 - Deadlines to submit full papers. All papers will be submitted 
in double
column publication format and limited to 10 pages including diagrams and 
references. Papers
undergo a double-blind review.
September 15, 2006 - Authors receive notification regarding paper acceptances 
through the
review system, not from the Minitrack Chairs. Acceptance may be conditional; 
revisions may
be requested before final acceptance of paper. Attendance by at least one 
author and
presentation of the paper at the conference is a requirement of acceptance.
September 16, 2006 - Authors submit final version of papers following author 
posted on this site. At least one author of each paper must register by this 
date with
specific plans to attend the conference to present the paper. Early 
registration fee applies
until this date.
September 17, 2006 - General registration fee applies from this date through 
December 15.
December 1, 2006 - Cancellation penalties apply after this date. Please see 
policy for details. If conference registration is cancelled, paper will not be 
included in
the proceedings.
December 15, 2006 - Hotel rates are not guaranteed after this date. On-site 
registration fee
applies after this date. No refunds after this date.

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