One possibility is a proxy issue. Configured when it shouldn't be, or the proxy 
server down, or not configured but an upstream firewall enforces you go through 
it, etc... 

Less likely, but sometimes a switch or router just acts up and needs to be 
reset. Assuming you have identically configured machines, and groups are acting 
different, makes it a little more likely... 

Have you tried different utilities for http, such as wget? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Nathan Moore" <> 
To: "scientific-linux-users" <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 10:03:41 PM 
Subject: Network is ok, web browser won't browse 

Context: small academic cluster of SL5.8 machines, x86_64. 

Recently, some of the machines on the cluster stopped being able to access the 
outside internet. Machines can still update via ftp, yum, nslookup, and ping, 
but http requests beyond the local cluster seem to be universally denied. I've 
never encountered a problem like this before (and it is probably my own fault, 
as I am a self-taught sys-admin), but I'm wondering if anyone else has seen a 
similar problem. 

Bonus points if you can tell me where in /etc or /var I should look to find the 
offending config file. 



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