On Thu, 21 Jul 2016 21:00:29 -0500, Stephen_Isard <7p03xy...@sneakemail.com> 

>I have upgraded an SL6.7 laptop to SL6.8 - really just kept 6x up to date - 
>and after a reboot  I can't make an internet connection or mount a usb key 
>from the "Places" menu as an ordinary user.  I imagine that the upgrade has 
>changed the defaults in some authorisation file somewhere.  I'd welcome any 
>advice on where to look.

In case someone else hits the same difficulty:

The problem appears to be a change in ConsoleKit that the xdm display manager 
(package xorg-x11-xdm) isn't coping with.  When I log in through  xdm,  
ck-list-sessions says that my session is not local, which it needs to be in 
order to control usb, wireless, ethernet, etc..  Gdm doesn't have the same 
problem, but I prefer to use as little Gnome as I can manage.  The SL6x 
repositories don't offer a downgrade for ConsoleKit.  However, I tested with an 
older version that I found in a Centos repository and the problem went away.  
For my own purposes on a laptop that I don't reboot very often - just suspend 
and resume - I'm more comfortable with the solution of booting into runlevel 3 
(edit /etc/sysconfig/inittab) and running startx by hand.  The only thing that 
doesn't work when I do that is suspending by simply shutting the lid.  I have 
to run pm-suspend with sudo.  There must be a way of telling ConsoleKit to let 
a local session run pm-suspend.

I note that SL7 has abandoned ConsoleKit for logind, so the issue is not of 
longterm interest.  In fact, xorg-x11-xdm isn't in the SL7 repository either, 
but the fc19 rpm works for me.

Stephen Isard

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