On 22/04/2020 1:39 pm, Bill Maidment wrote:

Thank you for your hard work.

Just one issue I have at the moment, my laptop connects to my network
via a wireless connection, and after doing
yum clean all
yum update
I can no longer connect to my network via wireless, only via ethernet cable.
Can you give me some pointers to check.
All I get in /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log is:
  Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Normally there would be a swag of other messages showing the progress,
but nothing now.

(This message send via wired connection on the laptop.)

Problem worked around.
It appears that SL7.8 installed a new firmware interface
which is incompatible with kmod-ath10k_pci.rpm from epel (correction that should be elrepo), <<<========= so I just renamed that file for the time being and rebooted and it used the previous firmware-5.bin file OK.


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