> For systems with Dell management software installed, yum updates are
> broken because of an incompatibility in the libsmbios library (see below)
> If I remove the python-smbios, I can "fix" the problem in that updates now
> work, but this breaks the Dell management software. If I try to reinstall
>  python-smbios, I run into the same incompatibility problem.
> Does anyone know how to fix or work around this problem?
> Thanks
> Eve
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  --------------------
>  YUM - security
>  --------------------
> Error: Package: python-smbios-2.2.27-4.12.1.el6.x86_64 (@dell-omsa-indep/6.2)
>            Requires: libsmbios = 2.2.27-4.12.1.el6
>            Removing: libsmbios-2.2.27-4.12.1.el6.x86_64 (@dell-omsa-indep/6.2)
>                libsmbios = 2.2.27-4.12.1.el6
>            Updated By: libsmbios-2.2.27-1908.9058.el6.x86_64 (dell-omsa-indep)
>                libsmbios = 2.2.27-1908.9058.el6
>  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
>   You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

According to a post from the linux-poweredge mailing list [1], removal of those 
packages should be sufficient:

yum remove dell_ie_rac python-smbios

However, OMSA may not start afterwards, due to some changes in the NVMe 
They now use a custom library, which segfaults on unsupported distributions. 
See [2] for more details.
Of course, Scientific Linux and CentOS are not supported.

[1] http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2016-April/050490.html
[2] http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2016-April/050486.html


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