Well this has been a thorn in my side for months but I think I've figured it out. At least I found a plausible reason for it and it's been working longer than it has before.

The problem turned out to be I had both gsisshd and sshd running and the fix was to use chkconfig to disable it.

The really weird part that made it hard to figure out was that ssh would work for days then suddenly stop. "sudo service sshd restart" would get it to work again for a few days.

I had installed the gsi server stuff because we will (hopefully) move to that certificate based access soon, not thinking that it would be enabled on install.

The take home lesson is think before you install potentially conflicting services.


On 11/21/2012 02:16 PM, Joseph Areeda wrote:
I can't figure out what causes this error.

I can "fix" it by regenerating the server key on the system I'm trying to connect to and restarting sshd but that seems to be temporary as the same problem comes back in a week or so. Rebooting the server does not fix it.

Does anyone know what that error means? I am using ssh not gsissh although I do have globus toolkit installed to contact grid computers.

I'm pretty sure it's a misconfiguration on my part but I can't figure out what I did or didn't do.



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