One of my heroes has wisdom to offer not just Canada, but the whole world and 
especially the worst-offending USA.


October 18, 2005
Scientist at Work | David Suzuki
'Environmental Conscience' Urges Canadians to Tread Softly 
When Prince Charles asked David Suzuki a few years ago about the state of the 
environment, Dr. Suzuki told him, "We are in a big car heading at a brick wall 
at 100 miles an hour." The assessment he offered to the Harvard Medical School 
Center for Health and the Global Environment last month was just as gloomy. "We 
are going right down the chute," he said.

Dr. Suzuki, a zoologist turned environmental activist, has been sounding this 
alarm for years - in books, on television and radio, in newspaper columns and 
in coast-to-coast campaigns in his native Canada. He has "seeped into the minds 
of virtually every one of the 31 million Canadians," said Joseph R. Foy, 
campaign director for the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, a conservation 
group. "He is the environmental conscience of the people."

His effects reach beyond Canada. Dr. Eric S. Chivian, a psychiatrist who 
directs the Harvard center where Dr. Suzuki spoke last month, said he became "a 
Suzuki groupie" about 20 years ago when he heard him speak.

"Here was a senior scientist who had decided that the most important thing he 
could do with his career was to translate the abstract, technical language of 
science - especially the science of those issues that constituted the greatest 
threats to human life - into terms the average person could understand," Dr. 
Chivian said. "There are very few in the scientific world who have David's gift 
for doing this, and there are still fewer who communicate with such directness."

He appears routinely at or near the top of lists of the most admired, liked or 
influential Canadians. More than 150,000 people have signed up so far for the 
"David Suzuki Nature Challenge," promising to take the simple steps he 
recommends to lighten their collective footprint on the environment. 

When the novelist Margaret Atwood won the 2000 Booker Prize, she said, she gave 
a "substantial portion" of the approximately $30,000 prize to the David Suzuki 
Foundation (www.davidsuzuki.org), which Dr. Suzuki established in 1989 to 
analyze and find environmental solutions.

And when Jean Chrétien, then the prime minister, signed Canada on to the Kyoto 
Protocol on greenhouse gases, he credited Dr. Suzuki and his foundation for 
building support among Canadians. 

Kyoto was "a winning hand" for Mr. Chrétien because 80 percent of Canadians 
favored it, even in oil-producing areas, said David Anderson, who was Mr. 
Chrétien's environment minister. "David Suzuki was very important in that 
regard. He has clout, he has a strong following and he is a genuine scientist." 

These days, Dr. Suzuki worries most about how people have become estranged from 
nature, habituated to seeing the world "through a fragmented lens," as he puts 
it, and oblivious to the fact that the economic abundance of the modern world 
depends on the health of its air, soil and water. 

"Even though Canada has a lot of wilderness, 85 percent of us live in cities," 
he said. "We don't understand ecosystems."

He makes this point with anecdotes and examples anyone can understand. For 
example, he recalled, when he wanted to do a television program about air 
pollution, he waited for a smog alert day and took a film crew to a hospital 
emergency room. "It was packed with old people and children," he said. "What 
blew us away was how many of these people were being driven to the hospital in 
an S.U.V. Because they live in a shattered world, it never occurs to them that 
the way they live is creating the problem." 

Dr. Suzuki said he used to urge people to think globally, act locally. "That 
was a mistake," he says today. "When people think globally, they feel 

Instead, his Nature Challenge outlines 10 simple steps - like eating meatless 
meals one day a week or using nontoxic lawn products - and urges Canadians to 
commit to three of them. 

He hopes a million Canadians will sign on. "If we can do that, we can get 
anyone in business and politics to sign on," he said. Some environmentalists 
resent the attention Dr. Suzuki receives and some scientists criticize him as 
having abandoned the purity of the laboratory for the hurly-burly of politics. 

Others, citing the music he favors on his television program, his advocacy of 
Native American causes and his affection for whales, dismiss him as being too 
much in the New Age. 

"There is a certain amount of sniffiness on the part of academic scientists who 
feel he is not as rigorous as he should be," said Mr. Anderson, who today 
represents Victoria, British Columbia, in Parliament. 

But the sniffers are in the minority.

Dr. Suzuki's influence is more remarkable given his life story, which he 
recounted in 1987 in a memoir, "Metamorphosis" (Stoddart).

David Takayoshi Suzuki was born in 1936 in Vancouver, where his parents had a 
dry cleaning business. 

But after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and even though his parents were 
native-born Canadians, the government confiscated most of the family property 
and shipped them off to a detention camp in a remote village in the Rocky 
Mountains, with other Japanese-Canadians. 

Eventually, he recalled in an interview, they and other internees were offered 
a choice: leave Canada for Japan or resettle east of the Rockies. Affronted by 
their government's actions, most chose Japan; in their camp, Dr. Suzuki wrote, 
his family was the only one to choose Canada.

They moved to Ontario, where he went to high school and where outings with his 
father fueled his interest in nature. He filled his bedroom with fossils, 
insects, dead and live fish and snake skins, and stored collections of worms in 
the family refrigerator, where his mother would patiently remove escapees from 
the vegetable bin.

After high school, he won a scholarship to Amherst College in Massachusetts and 
then went on to graduate school at the University of Chicago, where he earned a 
doctorate in zoology in 1961, specializing in genetics. After a fellowship at 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he returned to Canada, to a teaching job at the 
University of Alberta. 

At first, he seemed headed for a conventional career of research and teaching. 
His work on temperature sensitivity of genetic mutations in fruit flies was 
widely cited, and he is a co-author of a genetics textbook still in wide use. 
But already the direction of his life was changing. 

One day, he was asked to appear on the university's television show, "Your 
University Speaks." "It was a very shoddy kind of television," he recalled. "We 
were paid $15 a show." But people liked his programs and he realized he had the 
knack of using them to explain complex scientific topics.

By 1971, after he moved back to Vancouver, to the University of British 
Columbia, he had his own program, "Suzuki on Science," on the CBC. His 
shoulder-length hair was held with a headband, he said. "The scientific 
community felt I had no business representing science."

But he did, in television and radio programs including a television series he 
inaugurated in 1974 that was first called "Science Magazine," then "The Nature 
of Things," and now "The Nature of Things with David Suzuki," seen in 30 
countries. He has also done programs for the BBC and has appeared from time to 
time in the United States, in programs shown on PBS and on the Discovery 

Though they do not do everything he wishes they would, Canadian politicians 
cannot ignore him, he said. "They know people watch my program." 

Dr. Suzuki attributes his prominence in part to the fact that there are 
relatively few advocates for the environment who are also professional 
scientists. In the United States, he said, "there are a lot of eminent 
environmentalists, but they divide up" between people who are primarily 
academic researchers and those, mostly without advanced science training, who 
are activists.

Dr. Suzuki added that he was fortunate early in his career to receive 
fellowships that allowed him to continue his research while working in 

He also said he thought that other scientists, over all, "basically have 
contempt for journalists and do not take communication seriously." 

Dr. Suzuki, who lives with his second wife in Vancouver, retired from his 
university post in 2001 to concentrate on the foundation, his media efforts and 
his work on the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, on whose board 
he serves. 

His foundation's latest effort, Sustainability Within a Generation, recommends 
an array of government, business and individual efforts, none of them 
enormously painful and all of them on a timetable, that would greatly reduce 
Canadians' collective impact on the natural world.

And even though the marsh he explored as an adolescent is now a shopping mall, 
and he does not see too many signs of environmental progress, he is hopeful. 

The challenge, he says, is "to put the world back together again, to think 
holistically, in geological time, not corporate time or political time."

This is not an impossible dream, he says in one of his videos, citing the end 
of the cold war and the abolition of apartheid as seemingly impossible dreams 
that came to pass and adding, "No one has the right to say what cannot be done."

  a.. Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company 

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