Brains, Worms and Computer Chips Have Striking Similarities

ScienceDaily (Apr. 23, 2010) - An international team of scientists has
discovered striking similarities between the human brain, the nervous
system of a worm, and a computer chip. The finding is reported in the
journal PLoS Computational Biology.

"Brains are often compared to computers, but apart from the trivial fact
that both process information using a complex pattern of connections in a
physical space, it has been unclear whether this is more than just a
metaphor," said Danielle Bassett, first author and a postdoctoral research
associate in the Department of Physics at UC Santa Barbara.

The team of scientists from the U.S., the U.K., and Germany has uncovered
novel quantitative organizational principles that underlie the network
organizations of the human brain, high performance computer circuits, and
the nervous system of the worm, known as nematode C. elegans. Using data
that is largely in the public domain, including magnetic resonance imaging
data from human brains, a map of the nematode's nervous system, and a
standard computer chip, they examined how the elements in each system are
networked together.

They found that all three shared two basic properties. First, the human
brain, the nematode's nervous system, and the computer chip all have a
Russian doll-like architecture, with the same patterns repeating over and
over again at different scales.

Second, all three showed what is known as Rent's scaling, a rule used to
describe the relationship between the number of elements in a given area
and the number of links between them.

Worm brains may seem to have very little in common with human brains and
even less in common with computer circuits, explained Bassett. In fact,
each of these systems contains a pattern of connections that are locked
solidly in a physical space, similar to how the tracks in a railway system
are locked solidly to the ground, forming traffic paths that have fixed
GPS coordinates. A computer chip starts out as an abstract connectivity
pattern, which can perform a specific function. Stage two involves mapping
that connectivity pattern onto the two-dimensional surface of the chip.
This mapping is a key step and must be done carefully in order to minimize
the total length of wires -- a powerful predictor of the cost of
manufacturing a chip -- while maintaining the abstract connectivity or

"Brains are similarly characterized by a precise connectivity which allows
the organism to function, but are constrained by the metabolic costs
associated with the development and maintenance of long 'wires,' or
neurons," said Bassett. She explained that, given the similar constraints
in brains and chips, it seems that both evolution and technological
innovation have developed the same solutions to optimal mapping patterns.

She explained that this scaling result may further explain a well-known
but little-understood relationship between the processing elements
(neuronal cell bodies, or gray matter) and wiring (axons, or white matter)
in the brains of a wide range of differently sized mammals -- from mouse
to opossum to sea lion -- further suggesting that these principles of
nervous system design are highly conserved across species.

This work suggests that market-driven human invention and natural
selection have negotiated trade-offs between cost and complexity in
designing both types of information processing network: brains and
computer circuits.

Bassett worked closely with Edward Bullmore, professor of psychiatry at
the University of Cambridge. He explained: "These striking similarities
can probably be explained because they represent the most efficient way of
wiring a complex network in a confined physical space -- be that a
three-dimensional human brain or a two-dimensional computer chip."

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