1. Name:  Carole McDonnell    
2. Location:  NY
3. Nickname/ Alias: none
4. To What Speculative Fiction Character do  you relate or identify(describe 
the character): None i can think of
5.  Favorite Speculative Fiction Genres: alternate reality, anthropological  
Spec-fic, time travel, creature features
6. Favorite Speculative Fiction TV  Show (canceled shows ok): Can't think
7. Favorite Speculative Fiction Movie:  Dune, Logan's Run, TimeCop, 
Incredible Shrinking Man, Lake Placid, Deep Blue  Sea
8. Favorite Speculative Fiction Characters: Any kind of Savior hero or  
Christlike hero
9. Favorite Speculative Fiction Villain: Any kind of sexy but  sensitive evil 
11. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of  a Book: 
12. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a  Superhero: 
13. Topics of importance to you: religion
14. Your own  published works, if any: Black is the color of my true love's 
hair, Lingua  Franca, Homecoming at the Borderlands Cafe and coming in June 
2007 Wind  Follower
15. Your web site: _www.geocities.com/scifiwritir/Publications.html_ 
16.  Your Speculative Fiction Pet Peeves: celtic fantasy. Am burned out with  
Eurofiction, bad Christian fantasy
17. Memberships in science fiction clubs:  gonna join carlbrandon one o these 
18. Anything else you think is  important: Am a Christian and the Bible 
informs everything i write. I also write  about characters who have physical or 
emotional disabilities. 

Carole  McDonnell  
Wind Follower June 2007 Juno  Books

carole.mcdonnell (at) gmail  (dot)com

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