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The Billion-Dollar Myth
The 'Matrix' movies portray a frightening alternate reality. When a
writer sued the movies' creators for stealing her ideas, she
inadvertently exposed another reality--a racial one--that's no less
Kemp Powers is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles.

July 31, 2005

Sophia Stewart didn't attend her June 13 hearing at the U.S. federal
court building in downtown Los Angeles. She saw the proceeding as a
minor hurdle on the way to an anticipated July 12 trial in her
copyright infringement suit against directors Andy and Larry
Wachowski, James Cameron and other defendants—a trial she imagined
would be "one of the largest suits for damages in the history of the
film industry."

Her lawsuit claimed that the lucrative "Matrix" and "Terminator"
film franchises were based on her ideas. Last month's request by the
defendants to dismiss the case was an act of desperation, Stewart
believed, because her proof of theft was indisputable. Stewart had
attracted many supporters (mostly African American, who agreed that
Hollywood had ripped her off) and detractors who question both the
validity of her claims and her sanity ever since she began trying to
rally support for her case in 2003. She claimed that she would
have "big surprises" for the judge and jury, as well as for all of
the naysayers, when her case finally went to trial.

Unfortunately, Judge Margaret Morrow wasn't interested in surprises.
In her 53-page ruling, Morrow dismissed Stewart's case, noting that
Stewart and her attorneys had not entered any evidence to bolster
the key claims in her suit or demonstrated any striking similarity
between her work and the accused directors' films. Stewart says she
is hiring additional attorneys and is asking the court to reconsider
that decision, but earlier this summer, in a nearly empty courtroom
790 of the Roybal Federal Building, Stewart's case apparently ended
with a whimper.

But as in the "Matrix" movies, there's an alternate reality to this
story that says a lot about the continuing racial divide between a
mistrusting black America and the mainstream media. Stewart's
courtroom defeat stands in bizarre contrast to what many of her
fellow African Americans hold true, or want to believe happened as a
result of her lawsuit.

In that alternate reality—created by Internet chain letters, radio
stations and reputable community newspapers, and still flourishing
on the World Wide Web—people sincerely believe that Stewart won her
lawsuit last fall, and that she now is the wealthiest African
American in the country, thanks to a record multibillion-dollar
award. Her supposed settlement has been hailed as a legendary
achievement in copyright infringement law, and a major moment in
African American history. People also think that word of her victory
has been suppressed as the result of one of the most sophisticated
media conspiracies in history—even though none of that is true.

The Wachowski brothers' professional résumé was limited prior
to "the Matrix"; they had written the screenplay for the lackluster
1995 Sylvester Stallone action film "Assassins," and in 1996 had
made their directing debut with the low-budget noir crime
flick "Bound." To hear Stewart tell it, that lack of experience
suggests fraud.

"I'm the kind of master writer that comes once upon this Earth,"
Stewart says by phone from her Las Vegas home a week before the June
13 court hearing. "You don't go from [doing] a mediocre movie to a
work of genius like 'The Matrix.' "

The Bronx, N.Y., native makes her living doing paralegal work and
tax preparation. She is divorced and has two adult children, though
she won't reveal her age, explaining that she doesn't believe in
pagan rituals and refuses to celebrate holidays or birthdays. "It's
all lies and illusions," she says. "We're timeless and ageless." She
adds that her spiritual attitude forms the basis for the wise Oracle
character in the "Matrix" films: "The Oracle is me. I wrote myself
into my work."

In 1983, she says, she completed a science fiction tale titled "The
Third Eye," which she copyrighted the following year. Stewart says
the as-yet unpublished work—submitted as part of the fact-finding
phase of her case—totals 120 pages, including a screen treatment, a
47-page version of the manuscript and a 29-page "original
manuscript" with additional pages containing a synopsis, character
analyses, illustrations and a table of contents. In 1986, she says,
she saw an advertisement posted in a national magazine by the
Wachowski brothers soliciting science fiction manuscripts to make
into comic books and she sent them all of her materials for "The
Third Eye," including a copy of her original manuscript. "My dream
was to have my work seen as a movie and a comic book," she says.

Stewart says she never heard from the Wachowskis, and never had her
materials returned. Morrow's ruling notes, however, that Stewart did
not produce the ad as evidence. In denying that they ever placed
such an ad, the Wachowskis said that, in 1986, Andy was just 18 and
brother Larry was a 21-year-old college student.

Flash forward to the March 1999 theatrical release of "The Matrix."
Stewart, then living in Salt Lake City, went with a friend to see
the film. "I said to myself, 'I wrote this,' " she recalls, saying
she recognized themes and characters from "The Third Eye" in the
film. In June 1999, she says, she filed a written complaint with the
FBI, charging that a copyright crime had taken place. In April 2003,
acting as her own attorney, Stewart filed a lawsuit against a host
of defendants, including the Wachowskis, "Terminator" director James
Cameron, producers Gale Anne Hurd and Joel Silver, 20th Century Fox
and Warner Bros., accusing them of copyright infringement and of
violating Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
laws, which were created in 1970 to combat organized criminal

Not long after that, her story began to take a strange turn. Stewart
produced and circulated a news release, trying to rally support for
her copyright case by recounting her claims and request for damages.
The mainstream media response was tepid, at best. However, one
newspaper did find her story quite interesting.

On Oct. 28, the Salt Lake Community College's Globe ran an article
on its website with the audacious headline " 'Mother of the Matrix'
Victorious." Written by a second-year communications student, the
article was among the first on the Web to reveal aspects of
Stewart's story. Unfortunately, it also was rife with errors,
stating among other things that Stewart had won her case (she
hadn't) and that she was about to receive one of the biggest payoffs
in Hollywood history (she wasn't). The story also questioned why the
case had received no media coverage, and quoted Stewart's claim on a
website that Warner Bros. had been suppressing coverage of her case
for years because AOL Time Warner "owns 95 percent of the media …
They are not going to report on themselves." Among the publications
and businesses she claimed the company owned: the New York Times,
the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek magazine and DreamWorks. In fact,
AOL Time Warner doesn't own any of them.

It didn't take long for some mistakes to get the attention of
Quentin Wells, the manager of the SLCC Student Media Center, which
produces the Globe. "My son, who is a copyright attorney, read the
article and said, 'This can't be right,' " Wells says. After
approaching Stewart and checking the information in the piece, Wells
discovered that Stewart's supposed "victory" was nothing more than a
successful defense against an early motion to have her case
dismissed. "It was an error [by] the writer," says Wells. "She had
misinterpreted what Stewart had said."

Within a week, the Globe added a correction, but at the end of the
Web version of the story. Yet a few weeks later, Wells noticed that
the Globe website's server traffic had exploded from 14,500 hits a
month to more than 640,000. "I contacted our [Internet] provider and
told him that his counter must be broken."

It wasn't, and almost all of the new traffic was linking to the
Sophia Stewart story. Also, in the brief time that the Globe story
was uncorrected on the website, it had been copied and circulated
around the Internet through mailing lists. Several Internet blogs
then had linked to the story, bringing a steady stream of visitors
to the site. The mythos of Stewart's victory continued to grow
despite the correction.

The Globe ran a follow-up story this January, which continued to
stoke conspiracy beliefs by stating as fact Stewart's assertion
that "Warner Bros. and the other defendants in the case have also
sought, with almost complete success, to prevent any publicity
regarding the suit from appearing in any national or even local
media. The result has been an almost total news blackout about the

Soon, both Globe articles were reappearing almost verbatim on news
websites such as Manhunt.com and continuing to make the rounds on
mailing lists, sometimes with new bylines. Unlike the original
stories, these reprints never included the correction stating that
Stewart hadn't won her case. Radio hosts and callers on radio
stations such as Hot 97 in New York City and KPFA's Hard Knock Radio
in Berkeley also were discussing the Stewart case. The story began
to appear in African American community newspapers such as the
Westside Gazette in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and the Columbus Times in
Georgia. Most of those articles echoed the bad information in the
original Globe piece. By April, a vast number of African Americans
had read or heard some erroneous version of the Sophia Stewart story.

Such mistakes have long proliferated in American ethnic communities,
but the Internet has added to their speed and potency. When the
athletic footwear rage of the 1980s led to violence and deaths among
urban kids, rumors surfaced in the African American community that
one major manufacturer was owned by South Africans, and its profits
were being used to support apartheid. After a particular brand of
Mexican beer got a foothold in the U.S. market in the 1980s, rumors
that Mexican workers were urinating in it were rampant in the
western U.S. In her 1994 book "I Heard It Through the Grapevine:
Rumor in African-American Culture," UC Davis professor Patricia
Turner explains that the symbolic quality of some stories often is
more important to certain groups than whether those stories are
true. Stewart's story seemed particularly credible because she is a
real person who filed a real case. "Sophia Stewart is David against
Goliath," says Turner, and she represents African Americans who have
been victimized by corporations.

Still, the tide is slowly turning. Essence, a million-subscriber
magazine aimed at an African American audience, had never published
a story on Sophia Stewart. But in its May issue it asked readers to
hold off on repeating claims of Stewart's victory, and it pointed
out that the case was not scheduled for trial until July. Some
Internet chatter in recent months has become less sympathetic toward
Stewart and her claims, with one fellow writer claiming "my loony
detector alarms started going off" as he read more about her case.

That hasn't stopped columnists at many African American newspapers
and news sites from continuing to speculate. Manhunt.com content
manager Tamara Harris said the erroneous version of Stewart's story
is appealing because it "vindicates all of the black artists going
through this."

Not everyone believed the rumors. "The first time I saw it, I
dismissed it," says Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu, a technology columnist at
the Star, a 60,000-circulation daily that serves Chicago's largely
black southern suburbs. "But then, even though it sounded
unbelievable to me at first, I didn't want to completely discount it
until I saw evidence that it wasn't true."

Despite the wealth of misinformation circulating on the Internet,
finding out the status of the case is as easy as making a telephone
call. Stewart makes herself available to answer media questions, and
a website called http://www.Daghettotymz.com lists her contact
information and offers downloadable files of court documents. The
site is the first hit when Stewart's name is Googled.

Yet Bobby Henry Sr., publisher of the Westside Gazette in Florida,
remained confused recently when told about the case's status. "She
didn't win?" Henry asked. "I'm shocked, because her having already
won is all out there. It was even on the Tom Joyner [radio] show
that she won." Representatives of the nationally syndicated Joyner
program say they haven't written about Stewart on the show's site,
and couldn't pinpoint when or if Stewart was mentioned on the air.

Dr. Todd Boyd, professor of critical studies at USC's School of
Cinema-Television, says the Stewart case speaks to African
Americans' deep distrust of the media. "A lot of people, regardless
of race, continue to have very unsophisticated views of the media,"
said Boyd. "And many African Americans in particular are still very
distrustful of the media." That distrust comes from a history of
being either negatively portrayed or completely ignored by the

Bruce Isaacs of Wyman & Isaacs, the attorney representing the
defendants in the Stewart case, says a media conspiracy is not the
reason the case has seen little coverage. "The question shouldn't be
why hasn't the media covered this case, it should be why would the
media cover this case?" says Isaacs. "It's a run-of-the-mill
copyright case, and I think the judge clearly addressed the case's
merits in her ruling."

As for Stewart, she still believes that AOL Time Warner is
suppressing her struggle—"Why am I not on 'Larry King Live'
or 'Oprah'? " she wonders—and remains determined to make the rumor
into a reality. After the judge dismissed the case, Stewart was
upbeat. If Morrow won't reconsider her decision, Stewart says she
will appeal the judge's decision to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals and to the Supreme Court, if necessary. "And they'll rule in
my favor," says Stewart. "So tell everybody that it's not over until
the fat lady sings, and she hasn't sung yet."

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