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> Dot's Information Service Hotline
> "Unbossed and unbought news and information you can use"
> Visit The DISH online at www.thedish.org
> Vol. 10 No 34...Dedicated to the Dialogue on Race... 08-24-07
> ********************************************************
> Table of Contents
> 1. Venue for an Artist...George W. Bush is a Saint...By Victor Forsythe
> 2. Disgruntled
> 3. Intuit's Vibe...Deception...By John Burl Smith
> 4. News You Use...Wells Fargo Sued
> 5. Bit of History...Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872 -1970)
> 6. Hood Notes...Subprime Loans = Primetime for Vampire Lenders...By Jim
> Hightower
> 7. Mailbox
> ******************************************
> Venue for an Artist
> George W. Bush is a Saint
> By Victor Forsythe
> Bush was scheduled to visit the Episcopal Church in NW Washington as part
> of his campaign to restore his 28% approval rating in the polls.
> Karl Rove made a visit to the Bishop and said, "We've been getting a lot
> of bad publicity because of the President's position on stem cell
> research, the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, and the VA Hospitals. But,
> we'll make a $500,000 contribution to your church if during your sermon
> you will say that the President is a saint.  The Bishop thought it over
> for a few moments and finally said, "The Church could really use the money
> - I'll do it."
> The following Sunday, President Bush showed up for the sermon, and the
> Bishop began: "I'd like to speak to all of you this morning about our
> President, George Bush. He is a liar, a cheat, and a low-intelligence
> weasel. He took the tragedy of September 11 and used it to frighten and
> manipulate the American people. He lied about weapons of mass  destruction
> and invaded Iraq for oil and money, causing the deaths of hundreds of
> thousands and making the United States the most hated nation on earth.  He
> appointed cronies to positions of power and influence, leading to
> widespread death and destruction during Hurricane Katrina.
> He awarded contracts and tax cuts to his rich friends so that we now have
> more poverty in this country and a greater gap between rich and poor than
> we've had since the Depression.  He has headed the most corrupt,
> bribe-inducing political party since the Teapot Dome Scandal. The national
> surplus has turned into a staggering national debt of 77.6 trillion
> dollars, gas prices are up 185%, which the  people of America cannot
> afford, and vital research into global warming and stem cells is stopped
> cold because he's afraid to lose votes from the religious right.  He is
> the worst example of a true Christian I've ever known. But compared to
> Dick Cheney, George W. Bush is a saint."
> About Me:  Victor Forsythe is the author Birth of an Angel --A futuristic
> vision of Eden...A total tantric union with the divine.  "Let it birth the
> vision within you.  The more we are as angels, the closer we are to
> heaven."  For more about Forsythe's work, see www.birthofanangel.com.
> Forward comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Disgruntled says:  In July, William Wise, a Cobb County, Georgia police
> officer, fatally shot Tyciris Jordan, a thirty-year old black man, after
> trailing him from Cobb to Douglas County.  Routinely, the officer was
> placed on paid administrative leave.  While the police department's public
> statements support the officer's murder of an unarmed man, because "he
> felt threatened," they have not released the video recording from the
> patrol car's camera.  The release, ostensibly, is pending further
> investigation; Jordan's family is not buying any of this.  It has happened
> too many times; it is the modern-day lynching of the black man in the USA.
> Disgruntled wants to know:   Every day, the impeachment movement grows.
> The Internet is full of sites that provide lists of the crimes and
> misdemeanors committed by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.  The question
> many people are asking is, what has the possibility of Democrats losing
> their majority control of Congress and/or failing to recapture the White
> House have to do with holding the Bush administration accountable for its
> actions?
> Disgruntled feels: Greedy!  The housing bubble is the result of unbridled
> greed.  And, despite the momentary lull created by the liquidity the Fed
> is pumping into financial markets, eventually, we will have to pay the
> piper.  Let us hope the greedy people and not their victims do the paying.
> Intuit's Vibe
> Deception
> By John Burl Smith
> A fiery voice thundered as an angry God spoke,
> "Wake up my son!
> Edifying thoughts are being delivered on the wings of fate."
> Desperados wearing faces of angels speak with tongues that beguile the
> faithful.
> Besieged by fear and guilt, the intellect builds its prison.
> Not an innocent child crying in the night,
> but a thief stealthily hiding in the mind.
> A well-protected bushwhacker lies in wait
> to steal tomorrow's joy by killing today's promise.
> Whose face does this gnome wear but my own?
> Disguising deception with good intentions,
> he turns golden dreams into ash gray nightmares!
> Taught by circumstances the purity of the spirit,
> while underlying greed paints life's actual reflection.
> Given a saint's zeal for righteousness,
> the desperate nature of men
> impales them on a crucifix of deception.
> Although wise beyond his years,
> self-indulgence deludes heavenly schemes
> consumed by pride's self-adulation.
> In the end undone by self-betrayal,
> man's prison of passion
> is a dark den of lust and envy.
> Convinced of the good in what he does,
> he does not see evil in his choices.
> Championing honorable causes is the claim
> to justify the means employed and victims uncounted.
> Drawn to these depths, not by an invisible hand,
> but by slavish devotion
> to those demons that command the man.
> Maybe not as profound for the world as for me,
> a prisoner in a mental dungeon,
> a captive of greed, muses,
> will humans learn the lessons of the mustard seed?
> News You Use
> Wells Fargo Sued
> Earlier this month, black homeowners Nancy and Johnny Jeffries filed a
> discrimination lawsuit against San Francisco-based Wells Fargo & Co, the
> second-largest US mortgage lender and fifth-largest U.S. bank.  Court
> documents show, Mortgage Direct Inc, an Elmhurst, Illinois mortgage
> broker, is also named as a defendant.
> According to the complaint, the southwest Chicago couple refinanced their
> home twice last year, not knowing that the interest rates they were paying
> were "a combination of an objective, risk-based calculation and a totally
> subjective, discretionary component."  When Wells Fargo marked up the
> mortgage interest rates or added fees to loans for black borrowers after
> agreeing to lend based on objective criteria such as credit histories and
> home values, it violated the federal Fair Housing and Equal Credit
> Opportunity Acts.
> In July, a similar lawsuit was filed in a Massachusetts federal court
> against Countrywide Financial Corp, the largest U.S. mortgage lender.
> According to Robert Rothman, a partner at Lerach Coughlin Stoia Geller
> Rudman & Robbins LLP, the plaintiffs' attorney in both cases, "A black
> applicant is almost five times more likely to get a high-rate loan than a
> white applicant at Wells.  This is because of the discretionary pricing
> policy that results in loan officers adding points and fees to black
> borrowers."
> The plaintiffs want Wells Fargo to halt all race-biased lending practices,
> improve employee training, reimburse unfair charges and pay punitive
> damages.  The lawsuit seeks class-action status, so if you have a Wells
> Fargo mortgage and feel you were charged an excessively high interest rate
> and/or points, complete the form at
> www.lawyersandsettlements.com/submit_form.html?label=wells-fargo-race-mortgage&forward=319246.
> The lawsuits against Wells Fargo and Countrywide differ from those
> targeting "predatory" lenders accused of charging excessive rates or fees
> on subprime home loans made to low income borrowers with weaker credit
> histories.  A 2006 study conducted by  the Center for Responsible Lending
> found that when creditworthiness and credit risk were equal, blacks were
> more than 30 percent more likely to receive higher rate, more expensive
> sub-prime loans than whites.  In addition, the National Community
> Reinvestment Coalition revealed that lenders on average made high-cost
> sub-prime loans to higher-qualified blacks 54% of the time, compared to
> 23% of the time for whites, even when the white applicants were less
> qualified.  For more on mortgage companies accused of predatory lending,
> see www.mortgagedaily.com/Predatory2004.asp.
> (Note:  On-line community activist James Neusom provided links and
> empirical information for this article.
> Bit of History
> Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872 -1970)
> "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
> certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts....Not to be
> absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things in
> rationality."  Bertrand Russell
> Bertrand Russell was born on May 18, 1872 at Trellech, Monmouthshire,
> Wales into an aristocratic family.  His father, John Russell, Viscount
> Amberley, and his mother Catherine were quite radical for their times;
> they had an open marriage and Russell's father was an atheist.
> Russell's mother died in 1874 and his father died in 1876.  Bertrand and
> his older brother Frank were placed in the care of their grandparents.
> John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, his grandfather, died in 1878. As a
> result, the Countess Russell, their grandmother, became the dominant
> family figure for the rest of Russell's childhood and youth.  A religious
> conservative, her influence on Russell's outlook on social justice and
> standing up for principle remained with him throughout his life.  Her
> favorite Bible verse, 'Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.'
> (Exodus 23:2), became his mantra.
> Home-schooled by tutors, Russell won a scholarship to Trinity College
> (1890).  Having distinguished himself in mathematics and philosophy,
> Russell graduated with a B.A. in 1893. He earned a fellowship at Trinity
> in 1895.
> In 1896, Russell published German Social Democracy and taught at the
> London School of Economics.  Initially subscribing to idealism, by 1898
> Russell had become an empiricist.  Some of his most important works
> related to logic and mathematics (Principles of Mathematics, 1903)
> A politically active member of the Fabian Society, he unsuccessfully ran
> for Parliament.  At age 36, he became a fellow of the Royal Society. After
> his conviction under the Defence of the Realm Act (1916) for engaging in
> pacifist activities during WWI, he was dismissed from Trinity College.  On
> a later conviction involving his opposition to conscription, he was
> sentenced to prison.
> After the war, Russell traveled to Russia as part of a British government
> delegation to investigate the effects of the Russian Revolution.  He met
> Lenin and left Russian with the impression that Lenin was similar to a
> religious zealot, cold and possessed of "no love of liberty." Later that
> year he published The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism and gave a series
> of lectures in Beijing, China.  On his return to Great Britain, Russell
> wrote The Problem with China (1922)
> Russell supported himself during this time by writing popular books
> explaining matters of physics, ethics and education to the layman.  He
> wrote On Education (1926) and with his second wife Dora Black, he founded
> the experimental Beacon Hill School (1927), where he put some of his ideas
> on the subject into practice.
> After WWII, Russell taught at the University of Chicago (1938) and
> lectured at the University of California, Los Angeles (1939). He was
> appointed to a professorship at the City College of New York (1940), but a
> public outcry over his opinions, especially those on sexual morality in
> Marriage and Morals (1929), led to its withdrawal.  He lectured as a
> fellow with the Barnes Foundation until his relationship with Albert C.
> Barnes soured.  Russell returned to Britain (1944) to rejoin the faculty
> of Trinity College.
> During the 1940s and 1950s, Russell participated in many broadcasts over
> the BBC.  His work A History of Western Philosophy (1945) became a
> best-seller.  In 1949, he was awarded the Order of Merit, and the
> following year he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
> A prolific writer, Russell wrote some forty books.  Vigorous proponent of
> nuclear disarmament and anti-war activist, he was an outspoken critic of
> US military intervention in Vietnam.  In 1963, he became the inaugural
> recipient of the Jerusalem Prize, an award for writers concerned with the
> freedom of the individual in society.  On January 31, 1970 he condemned
> "Israeli aggression in the Middle East," saying that "We are frequently
> told that we must sympathize with Israel because of the suffering of the
> Jews in Europe at the hands of the Nazis. ... What Israel is doing today
> cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horrors of the past to justify those
> of the present is gross hypocrisy."
> Philosopher, historian, logician, mathematician, advocate for social
> reform and pacifist, Russell was born at the height of Britain's economic
> and political ascendancy; when he died on February 2, 1970, the British
> Empire had all but vanished, its power dissipated by two world wars and
> the end of the imperial system. As directed by his will, Russell's ashes
> were scattered after his cremation three days later. (Sources:
> http://en.wikipedia.org, www.quotationspage.com and www.geocities.com)
> Hood Notes
> Subprime Loans = Primetime for Vampire Lenders
> By Jim Hightower
> One of the most dramatic stories from the New Testament is of the time
> that Jesus encountered money changers in the temple.  Enraged by their
> usury and sacrilege, he went on a tear -- overturning their tables,
> physically driving them out and chastising them for converting the temple
> into a "den of robbers."  The Bible doesn't say where these bloodsucking
> lenders went, but now we know: They have re-emerged in recent years to set
> up their tables right here in America, working a dark alley of homeowner
> financing called the "subprime mortgage market."  The what? Don't be
> deterred by the finance industry's jargon (which is intended to numb your
> brain and keep regular folks from even trying to figure out what's going
> on). At its core, this is a classically simple story of banker greed and
> outright sleaze. And the astonishing part is that nearly all of the rank
> injustice perpetrated by today's money changers is considered legal and is
> practiced by supposedly reputable financial firms.
> That's when avaricious mortgage hucksters and high-finance manipulators
> looked upon this broad pool of needy, vulnerable castoffs and suddenly
> shouted, "Eureka, GOLD!" With interest rates remarkably low, housing
> prices seemingly on a nonstop rise, and (this is the Big One) practically
> no regulation of this low-income market, the money changers promptly began
> to devise clever, Enronian schemes to entice such "subprime" borrowers
> into high-interest, high-fee loans. Never mind that these families really
> could not afford (and mostly did not understand) the level of debt being
> piled on their backs. That was a matter for manana. Today was for raking
> in profits from the poor.
> The subprime schemes are run through an intricate, intertwined system of
> loan brokers, mortgage lenders, Wall Street trusts, hedge funds, offshore
> tax havens and other predators. To entrap borrowers, the industry created
> an arsenal of arcane financial devices and maneuvers known by such exotic
> names as "exploding ARMs," YSPs, teaser rates, low-doc mortgages, loan
> flipping and equity stripping. Ultimately, these schemes are scams,
> extracting high payments from the families, sucking out any equity they
> might build up and stealing their homes.
> This is one of those economic stories, like the savings-and-loan scam of
> the 1980s, that are usually buried back in the business section of
> newspapers. But, just as with the S&L collapse, this debacle is growing
> too big to contain, and all of us need to be paying attention. The
> built-in traps of the subprime mortgage market have already taken the
> homes of more than a million people in just the past year, and the dangers
> are quickly rising for millions more. This collapse in homeownership for
> the working poor has begun seeping into the rest of the economy, causing
> thousands of job losses, shaking the soundness and reputations of some
> major Wall Street firms, and slowly -- ever so sloooowly -- forcing
> lackadaisical bank regulators and clueless politicians out of their
> laissez-faire stupor.  (Note: For the complete article, which explains how
> the subprime business works, see www.alternet.org/story/60183/.
> Mailbox: E-Mails, Faxes and Telephone Calls
> Email www.apwire.com Lending industry job cuts grow.... Capital One
> Financial Corp. shut down its GreenPoint mortgage business, which
> specialized in making loans to people who did not fully document their
> income and assets. And Scottsdale, Ariz.-based 1st National Bank Holding
> Co. closed its wholesale mortgage unit and cut 541 jobs. Last week,
> Arizona mortgage lender First Magnus Financial Corp. shut down its
> operations and laid off nearly 6,000 workers.  Since the start of the
> year, more than 37,000 workers have lost their jobs at mortgage lending
> institutions, according to recent company layoff announcements and data
> compiled by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc.
> Meanwhile, construction companies have announced nearly 20,000 job cuts
> this year, while the National Association of Realtors expects membership
> rolls to decline this year for the first time in a decade.
> Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..The Crash of 1929: Are We on the Verge of
> a Repeat?...By Scott Thill...[A senior adviser to President Bush] said
> that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community,"
> which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your
> judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something
> about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not
> the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire
> now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying
> that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other
> new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort
> out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just
> study what we do." - Ron Suskind, "Without a Doubt," New York Times]  News
> flash: The American economy is a hyperreality engineered by Ph.D.s working
> hand-in-hand with colluding media multinationals, political officials and
> some of the biggest names in business - and the banks that invest in them.
> In other news, greed is still good.
> Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...Iraq's unions say the draft oil law is a threat
> and threaten "mutiny" if Parliament approves the bill. "This law cancels
> the great achievements of the Iraq people," Subhi al-Badri, head of the
> Iraqi Federation of Union Councils, told the al-Sharqiyah TV station. He
> referred specifically to laws that nationalized Iraq's oil sector. "If the
> Iraqi Parliament approves this law, we will resort to mutiny," he said.
> "This law is a bomb that may kill everyone. Iraqi oil does not belong to
> any certain side. It belongs to all future generations."
> Email www.legitgov.org  Key Exxon Mobil benchmark for Iraq in jeopardy:
> Secret Report: No Iraq Oil Deal by September 20 Jul 2007 A confidential
> intelligence report prepared for U.S. officials this week concludes a key
> U.S. benchmark of progress in Iraq, a law to divide oil revenues equitably
> among the provinces [Yeah, right!], "will not be agreed by September, even
> if cosmetic legislation is put in place."
> *********************************************
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> *********************************************
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