I hope this does more than just preach to the choir!

      "An Inconvenient Truth" opens in New York tonight and how it does on opening weekend will determine how the movie is received in the press and even how many other cities get to see it. Pledge to see the film and get tickets now.

      See the Movie

      Watch the Trailer

"An Inconvenient Truth" opens in New York tonight and it's already creating a buzz across the country. Thousands of us are headed to the theater tonight and this weekend to see it.  Some of the shows are already sold out.

How the movie does today and over the weekend will determine how it's received in the press and even how many other cities get to see it. That's why we're asking folks to pledge and get tickets in advance to see the film.

You can sign the pledge and buy tickets to the film (for any day) through the link below. Just click here:


You'll also be invited to join a special conference call with Al Gore in early June where you can learn more about global warming and ask him questions. Plus, Paramount Classics just announced that it will donate 5% of ticket sales to the Alliance for Climate Protection-so just by going to see the film, you'll be donating to help fight global warming.

The movie is technically a documentary, but it's also been described as a thriller and some folks have even called it scary. It's scary because it's a serious look at the grave path we're heading down if we don't take real steps to stop global warming today. I've seen it and it's a powerful film. Even though I pay pretty close attention to these issues, it made me think about the crisis we face in a whole new way.

The oil industry is already organizing against it-Exxon is behind a major ad campaign designed to discredit the film and the science behind it.1 Why? Because "An Inconvenient Truth" has the power to fundamentally change the way we act on global warming.

Here's what other MoveOn members are saying about the film:

  "See this film if you care about the value of your Manhattan real estate which will be pretty worthless if everything from the 3rd floor down is underwater."-Ed R., New York, NY

  "Too many people spend too much time just talking about the issue. Actually getting out and showing your support at this film is a small step towards greater support and it could mean so much."-David B., Brooklyn, NY

And here's what some of the reviews are saying:

"Log on to Fandango. Reserve some seats. Bring the family. It shouldn't be missed. No kidding... ..There is no substitute for Presidential power, but Gore is now playing a unique role in public life. He is a symbol of what might have been, who insists that we focus on what likely will be an uninhabitable planet if we fail to pay attention to the folly we are committing, and take the steps necessary to end it."
-The New Yorker
"An Inconvenient Truth, based on a slide show Gore developed and has given for years, is part documentary, part dark comedy and part horror thriller. As narrator, Gore makes jokes at his own expense, presents a cartoon clip from Fox's cartoon Futurama about cooling the ocean with ice cubes and shows footage of storms, floodwaters and scorching drought that would be thrilling if they were fiction instead of fact"
-USA Today

You can check out the trailer here. Then, please sign the pledge and get tickets to see it by clicking below:


See you at the theater,

-Eli, Nita, Tom, Rosalyn and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
  Wednesday, May 24th, 2006


"Big Oil Launches Attack On Al Gore" ThinkProgress, May 17, 2006

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