Getting stranded with the manly men of ‘Lost’

Jack or Locke? Sawyer or Sayid? Which one has the island advantage?

By Ree Hines

MSNBC contributor

Despite enemies, infighting and the occasional smoke monster, the
castaways on ABC's "Lost" have it pretty good. The electromagnetically
wonky mystery location hosts a conveniently skilled and disproportionately
attractive group prepared for any survival needs. And thanks to
dude-centric storylines, it's the island's menfolk who take care of the
"save the day" scenarios.

So, on the off chance those of us somewhat-adept and average-looking
individuals ever found ourselves in need of an ideal fellow castaway,
which of the "Lost" men would we want by our sides? Survival skills are
great, but without leadership, a ragtag band of castaways wouldn't make it
long. And just how handy would the habitually shirtless island eye candy
be if we couldn't count on him come crunch time?

Jack Shephard
Pros: Shortly after Flight 815 crashed, Jack played one-man triage machine
to all the survivors. Then, when thrust into the leadership role, he rose
to the occasion. For all his faults, Jack seems to genuinely care about
everyone in his charge and wants to maintain a cohesive group. Sure, he
has his pet (Hi, Kate!), but he'll play the hero to all.

Cons: Jack rules with a "because I said so" style that's downright
annoying. Maybe it's just the requisite doctor's god complex, but he's
always certain he knows best. When the rest of the Losties protested
Juliet joining their beachfront tent town, Jack held his ground without
providing any argument against the pervading "Hey, she's an Other!" logic.

Then there's the problem with his hair. Shallow? Yes. But while the island
buzz cut causes no offense (though it does beg the question: Where does he
plug in the clippers?), the past and the future show a man in constant
style crisis. His flashback 'do in season two was bad enough, but a
glimpse into his future shows a beard unworthy of Tom's old hillbilly

Co-castaway potential: Hirsute hang-ups and god complexes aside, having a
doctor on call 24/7 wouldn't hurt.

James ‘Sawyer’ Ford
Pros: He may be the island's answer to emo, but the angsty rebel packs a
six-pack and he's not afraid show it — over and over again. But looking
good sans shirt isn't his only skill; there's also his artful plundering
routine. When everyone else was shopping through the recently deceased,
Sawyer already had a rich stash of booze, medicine and his own little
lending library. And recently, he manages to keep a loaded gun on him most
of the time. Handy!

Cons: Baggage. Sawyer has loads of it. Everyone on the island has a fair
share of daddy issues, but Sawyer's so scarred by his parental past, he's
just big ol' mess of cynicism. He also sports a "look out for No. 1"
outlook, though he might make exceptions for the right person (Hi, Kate!).

Co-castaway potential: Easy on the eyes, but Sawyer's actual survival
skills are negligible.

John Locke
Pros: After a quick dose of island healing, Locke emerged as a survivalist
powerhouse. Boar killing, tracking and an impressive knowledge of the
local flora and fauna made up his early virtues. In time, he took the
whole "communing with nature" thing up a notch by actually developing a
relationship with the island itself. Then again, that potentially useful
proficiency may belong below.

Cons: Locke may have mad island skills, but he also has a tendency toward
the self-serving survivalist lifestyle. Then there's that wildly
fluctuating moral code of his. If ever a man earned a swift dose of
patricide, it was Locke's pop, Anthony Cooper. But when the chance to
snuff out the kidney-stealing, window-pushing bad dad surfaced, Locke
passed the task to an emotionally fragile Sawyer.

Days later (in island time), the ghostly visage of tall-Walt gave Locke
the lowdown on the freighter folk and, without missing a beat, the man
plunged his knife in Naomi's back. Brutally inconsistent!

Co-castaway potential: He'll keep you in food and shelter, but only as
long as it serves his purpose.

Jin-Soo Kwon
Pros: Fish, anyone? Jin assumed the role of second-generation fisherman
just a day after Oceanic's fiery touchdown. Already a faithful partner to
Sun and with a potentially doomed baby on the way, he has more passion
than ever before to keep his side safe. And bonus points for being easy on
the eyes.

Cons: Sun's corporate-crime-boss father groomed Jin to be his right-hand
man. It took a while for cutthroat Jin to call it a day. He also tested
out his first iffy harvest of sea urchins on a very pregnant Claire. But
with a redemption arch fully behind him now, it's hard to hold any of that
against Jin. The only current minus in Jin's column is that despite his
shady past, he can't handle a gun. When the gang cooked up a scheme to
wipe out a group of kidnap-happy Others, Jin was the only shot to miss the

Co-castaway potential: If sniper skills aren't terribly important, he's a
good catch.

Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes
Pros: Sweet, friendly and funny, Hurley's easily the nicest guy on the
island. His friendship with Charlie showed off his dude-loyalty and, as
Libby almost had the chance to prove, despite the plethora of hard bodies
in the mix, Hugo's makes for the best of the boyfriend material. As far as
keeping his peeps safe, there was that one time he plowed down the bad
guys with a hippie van.

Cons: A general lack of badassness is the only thing anyone could hold
against Hurley. Other than that precipitous van-as-weapon moment, the big
guy's just not much one for taking charge.

Co-castaway potential: For a good time, call Hurley.

Benjamin Linus
Pros: Forget Jack and Locke, there's not a better leader on the island
than Ben. Allegiance aside, he knows how to keep a group going strong. If
trouble abounds, he takes care of it — at any cost. Until recently, he
kept the Others living in style. That beachfront tent town might be nice,
but the air-conditioned bungalow village wins. Plus he has that special
relationship with island bigwig Jacob, though that's not quite as
exclusive as it once was.

Cons: Is being a cold-blooded killer a con? Yeah, probably. It's
particularly bad in Ben's case, given his tendency to take out more of his
people than enemies. He killed his father, wiped out the entire Dharma
community and even has a nasty habit of killing fellow Others when the
mood strikes him. Then there's the fact that, despite his assurances to
the contrary, Ben is evil.

Co-castaway potential: If comfortable digs are most important, Ben's your
man. If you put more weight on actually surviving your island experience,
then not so much.

Sayid Jarrah
Pros: Efficient interrogation skills (i.e., torture), technological
prowess and a sure-shot in a pinch, is there anything Sayid can't do? OK,
he's never displayed hunting prowess or a proclivity to the leadership
role, but it's a safe bet he'd rise to the occasion if needed. Aside from
fixing various forms of communications equipment, his most impressive
accomplishment to date has to be taking out an Other while fully bound,
using only his legs.

Cons: That torture thing could work both ways. While it's helpful when
ferreting out a baddie, it's not as useful when you're the subject of it.
Then there's his future occupation to consider. Working as flunky assassin
to Ben raises some trust issues, but it's a safe bet there's a good reason
behind it.

Co-castaway potential: There's no one better.

No, it wasn't a glaring omission. Ree Hines, a regular contributor to, is keeping Desmond for herself.

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